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  1. aileena

    tank will not cycle

    I have had 1.5 ammonia for about a week and a half, almost 2 weeks. No nitrite will develop for some reason??? anyone have any advice?
  2. aileena

    VHO vs. PC

    I cannot speak for the sps since I never kept them under vho's, but I do hope to try it someday soon, a few months after my tank cycles. Clams are another touchy subject, I kept a blue maxima clam under my 3 24" vho bulbs on a 29g tank for almost 4 months before I sold the clam...I can tell...
  3. aileena

    cycle ?

    Get this I put a raw shrimp in my tank a week ago and left it in for two days...the ammonia rose to 1.5...and its still 1.5 a week later with no this normal? it seems like a unaturally long time for nitrites to develop. I still dont have any LR in the tank yet, but I have 45lbs on...
  4. aileena

    Why won't my star polyps open?

    When I had star poyps in my 29g they did this took a week for them to come back out...dont worry they will come out again... do a water change...that worked sometimes
  5. aileena

    The Times they are a Changin'

    I got nothin against stem cell research or even cloning, if it is regulated, because the two can be used for discovering cures to many diseases and improve peoples quality of life. This glowing fish thing is just kinda sick though...for what purpose, besides entertainment??? an artical for...
  6. aileena

    Mixing instant ocean

    If I were you get your sand and put it in the tank...then place garbage bags on top of it...get your water from the local grovery store in gallon jugs...I made 3 trips to the store with 15 gallons of water each time...this gave me 45gallons which almost filled it to the top considering...
  7. aileena

    southdown sand

    when i put in my sandbed in my tank I put garbage bags over it and then added the water in order to keep from stirring it up to badly... It worked well...only took a day to clean up...
  8. aileena

    Is this good enough for filteration?

    that will work out way better....with that much rock, sand and a good skimmer your tank will be'll be suprised how much stuff that skimmer will pull out of your tank...
  9. aileena

    Need skimmer opinions-everybody please!

    I would recomend the remora pro with the overflow box....that way you could use the same skimmer when you upgrade....I am going to use the remora pro on my 60g!!
  10. aileena

    advice on 60g clean up crew???

    what clean up crew for a 60g would ya'll suggest...I have a 3.5" sandbed just FYI....I definetly want scarlets and conchs
  11. aileena

    Lighting requirements???

    hey kip what kinda corals do you keep in your tank??? any sps or a clam??? I had 3 75watt lights on a 430 ballast over my 29g and kept a maxima clam w/o a even grew about a half an inch...I had it for about 6 months before I sold it... I am certain that 225 watts over a 29g is...
  12. aileena

    Wanted - IceCap VHO ballast

    go on ---- there a a bunch of 660 ballasts with wiring harnesses available now!!! You can get it from 60-120 bucks!!!
  13. aileena

    Lighting requirements???

    Just one think to add... I could not fit 48" vho bulbs in my 48" canopy so I had to go with 46.5" bulbs.... You can certainly have LR under that NO light w/o a problem... Later you can pick up a Icecap 660 ballast and harness on ---- and get some bulbs and end lighting set up cost $300...
  14. aileena

    protein skimmer

    if you want a hang on skimmer and not one for a sump, that will work up to about 90g get the remora pro by Aqua C...I am currently looking for a used one on ----...they are supposed to wrok great....
  15. aileena

    Free Package to the 100th post

    2nd post for me....hmmmm
  16. aileena

    Free Package to the 100th post

    I could use this for my new 60g setup...good luck too all
  17. aileena

    just a COUPLE more ??s

    I just started cycling my tank on Saturday w/o any LR. Although I have about 45lbs comming that I ordered online, I put a piece of raw shrimp in the water to help the cycle start and now the ammonia is up to around 1.5!!! I only left the shrimp in there for 12 hours...anyway I hope this starts...
  18. aileena

    LFS in Michigan

    Pruess in Lansing isn't too bad at all, they have some pretty cool stuff and the staff is good too, but I think that they are a little pricey...You can get same same dry goods online for half the price. But for corals and exotic fish they take the cake. I've been around macomb, wayne, and...
  19. aileena

    another cycling question???

    no the shrimp I added was huge...its a big ole' shrimp that I use to cook my shrimp stirfry!
  20. aileena

    another cycling question???

    I have a new 60g setup that I just put together on Friday night. It has about a 3.25" southdown sand bed, a big old penguim Biowheel w/d filter, and 3 maxijet 900 powerheads right now with a heater. after adding the sand I only ended up putting 50gallons of RO water in and mixed the salt in...