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  1. mrp

    is this to many fish

    no i have nolive rock iwas told that the puffer and trigg would eat it and not to get it
  2. mrp

    is this to many fish

    thank you for your repile i am just now starting out and need all the help i can get and all help is welcomed
  3. mrp

    is this to many fish

    i have a75 gall with a tetratec pf500 filter i have 1clowntrigger ,1 purcupine puffer,1bluedevil dams,1-3stripe dam,1 orang. tail dams, and just added 1val. puffer. all get along good . this tank is about 6 months setup. do i need a proteen scimmer. all advice will help!!!
  4. mrp

    need 2 know

    i have a75 gallon tank. will a porkuepine puffer and a clown trigger mix
  5. mrp

    need 2 know

    i have a75 gallon tank. will a porkuepine puffer and a clown trigger mix