is this to many fish


New Member
i have a75 gall with a tetratec pf500 filter i have 1clowntrigger ,1 purcupine puffer,1bluedevil dams,1-3stripe dam,1 orang. tail dams, and just added 1val. puffer. all get along good . this tank is about 6 months setup. do i need a proteen scimmer. all advice will help!!!


yes and yes......
these are all small fish, and they get along fine NOW. However both the clown trigger and the porky will get about 12+". The clown trigger will also grow into a excellent tankmate, and kick everyones arse.
My guess is you'll get some territoriy scrapping in the near future.The damsels will also get pissy when they get bigger.
AS far as the skimmer ....Absol-freakin-lutely have a fair number of fishalot of fish, your prolly feeding a bunch and you most liely have water quality issues.
Whats your water paramters? any signs of cyano or slime algaes?
A really good skimmer will remove alot of the waste before it breaks down
what is your tank setup like? any live rock, DSB


New Member
thank you for your repile i am just now starting out and need all the help i can get and all help is welcomed


New Member
no i have nolive rock iwas told that the puffer and trigg would eat it and not to get it


What about putting LR in your sump? I guess I should ask if you have a sump first. But if you do, putting LR in your sump could help take care of water quality issues.