Search results

  1. dragonladylea

    nitrates and algea

    Xenia also like some nitrates but you still need to get the nitrates way down, IMO at the level you are now you are going to "burn" even some of the hardier corals.
  2. dragonladylea

    Pet Pic Contest

    My Zoo: CoCoa our "Ewok", Sheba the queen of the house, Rainbow our Gecko, and our "Flock" of feathered friends.
  3. dragonladylea

    nitrates and algea

    Also test your water source, test before mixing the salt. Might be your water source has nitrates. I would also recommend testing for phosphates those are probably high to. What substrate are you using? If you are using CC I would switch to sand. I spent years trying to get my nitrate down and...
  4. dragonladylea

    Not new at this, just EXTREMELY STUPID!!!

    Just so you know you are not the only one to mistake one bottle for another, a friend of mine spent the night in the hospital because bottles of nail glue are the same shape and size of the re-wetting solution for contacts! It wasnt pretty!
  5. dragonladylea

    Looking for a Fish thats bright & colorful

    Fairy Wrasse here is a pic of ours a Redfin.
  6. dragonladylea

    Any Dog Lover's here??

    My "ewok" dog, CoaCoa.
  7. dragonladylea

    Hex Tank Owners - Please respond

    I guess the best way to describe the way my 35 gal hex i setup is - I put a stonehenge type circle up and then laid a piece on the top to create an "open" cave in the middle. The fish really seem to like it. Plus my lower light corals have a nice placement for their needs but I still get a good...
  8. dragonladylea

    Lets see your unusual pets

    New to the Zoo!! And just had Bob white quail chicks hatch tonight. I'll get pics later after they dry. They are the size of a quarter.
  9. dragonladylea

    hitchhiker id pls

    I think its a sponge if I remember correctly.
  10. dragonladylea

    What is that thing?

    Hopefully you will have more of these guys, they really are good for the tank.
  11. dragonladylea

    What is that thing?

    Do a search for Stomatella it sounds like what you have and these are good guys.
  12. dragonladylea

    Geckos for sale in NY

    I wish you were closer my son has one already and is trying to find some. He wants to try breeding them.
  13. dragonladylea

    Underwater Spiders?!

    Medic79, I'm with you spiders really creep me out, but I had an Arrow Decorator crab that I absolutely loved.
  14. dragonladylea

    Lunare Wrasse, and Orange spotted Filefish-READ

    Lunare Wrasse love Shrimp, thats their favorite food. Seriously, Lunare Wrasse are one of my favorite fish. I had one for 3 years with a snowflake eel. Needless to say no crabs or shrimp living in that tank. Lunare's are also territorial so be careful what you do put in with it.
  15. dragonladylea

    whats eating my mushrooms?

    I would bet the Pistol Shrimp, mine used to "steal" my mushrooms to decorate his burrow. I only have mushrooms high in my tank now where he doesnt mess with them.
  16. dragonladylea

    ID Please

    Yes they are Stomatella snails the good guys!
  17. dragonladylea

    post your favorite coral

    Drew - the second pic looks like a torch not a frogspawn - JMO
  18. dragonladylea

    Pistol Shrimp

    Depending on the size of the pistol they are quite loud. But after awhile you really get used to the sound you dont really notice it. As for digging it is a continuous process they really don't ever quit. I havent had mine topple any big structures of liverock but have to continually rescue...
  19. dragonladylea

    Post you Blasto's!

    Here's mine
  20. dragonladylea

    post your favorite coral

    My Merletti and Frogspawn