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  1. rigajig

    Little Critter Help

    Sailfin I HAVE THE EXACT SAME THING IN MY TANK!!! Did you find out what the "bugs" were? All of my fish died within the last 2 weeks and I am not sure why. Could it be these little "bugs"? Were you able to get rid of them and if so, how? rigajig
  2. rigajig

    Fish are dying and I'm not sure WHY???

    Beth Thank you for responding. No. The queen angel was not doing good at all. He seemed very lethargic and gasping for air. The "scales" appeared to be more transparent. I went to a local fish store and one of the guys there thought it might be worms also. He recommended garlic or...
  3. rigajig

    Fish are dying and I'm not sure WHY???

    How can you tell if your fish has Ick or some other parasite? 2 of my fish have died in the last 3 days and I'm not seeing the small white dots on the fish. I did a fresh water dip with my queen angel and I started noticing all these "scale" (about 1-2mm in size) looking things in the bottom...