Little Critter Help


I have noticed small slender white "bugs" in my tank. They are even out during lighting periods. They have two white antennae. Does any of this sound familiar? I don't know if they are flatworms or not. I have never seen any. Please help.


New Member
I HAVE THE EXACT SAME THING IN MY TANK!!! Did you find out what the "bugs" were? All of my fish died within the last 2 weeks and I am not sure why. Could it be these little "bugs"? Were you able to get rid of them and if so, how?



Originally posted by Tizzo
Been through 13 pages on the search engine... and this was the only one I could find with the antennae. HTH (maybe??)

Thanks for the search, but I have done that as well and couldn't find a pic. They are solid white, about the size of a grain of rice and the antennae is white and about half the size of the bug. I know a pic would help, but I can't catch one being still. They are on the rocks. BTW, they wouldn't be flatworms would they?
Keep a reefin':happyfish


That's good to hear, Nas. I have almost come to the conclusion that they are harmless. I am planning of getting a six line wrasse soon anyway. Maybe it will be some natural food for him.
Keep a reefin' :happyfish