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  1. 05redrex

    Please Help Me!!! My Anemone Has a Hole....

    i have a similar problem. my anemone has like engulfed itself. my one anemone is big and vibrant, while this one all the sudden is hidding inside itself....weird.....?
  2. 05redrex

    just a hello, and a few questions

    Originally Posted by ophiura How old is this tank? How long have you had the fish? What are your specific water parameters? Your tangs are fighting because they are basically establishing a heirarchy. Be warned, this often leads to stress which then results in ick outbreaks. THis is one reason...
  3. 05redrex

    WTB live rock SE Michigan

    wow thanks, i didnt know about that site.
  4. 05redrex

    WTB live rock SE Michigan

    looking for some live rock, about 50lbs or so. bigger pieces would be ideal! you can email me at Thanks
  5. 05redrex

    just a hello, and a few questions

    ok, now the brown is hiding out in the corner, almost as if the yellow tang is being super territorial. should i rearrange the rocks? cage up the yellow for a few days to calm him down? i just dont want the brown to get beat up on, hes getting smacked with the tail of the yellow.... :help: oh...
  6. 05redrex

    just a hello, and a few questions

    Originally Posted by puffer9006 your powder brown is nice looking i havent seen ones with kinda a yellow shade to them Thank you. I went to the LFS to pick up some fiji gold, and seen him and couldnt pass. he is a very good looking fish.
  7. 05redrex

    just a hello, and a few questions

    hello all.This is what i have so far...what you think?fish: yellow tang and powder brown tang, flame angel,few domino damsels, percula clown, purple and purple back pseudochromis. Anemone: Pink Tip Haitian Anemone another one, its White, maybe a florida condi? Shrimp: coral branded shrimp...