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  1. serg

    Marble Shark

    The tank conditions. ie ammonia,ph etc are all okay. The tank is in good condition- its just one of those things in life. I have also asked fish vets and marine biologists who are not really sure.
  2. serg

    Marble Shark

    Hi The tank is 5feet x 2 feet high and 1.5 wide. I have had the shark for approx. 2years. I have also been told it is not a goiter. Possible cyst/tumor? Thanks
  3. serg

    Marble Shark

    Hi The tank is 5 foot long and I have only a Mooray Eel in there. He is doing fine. I have a skimmer and two Ehiem pumps pumping 1000Lt/hr and another internal pump in the tank. I have a picture but its too big to send as an attachment- am trying to reduce ti so you can see it. Thanks
  4. serg

    Marble Shark

    Hi I have a Marble Shark which has developed a small round balloon on the inside front of its lower mouth. It has stopped eating and I would like some advice please.
  5. serg

    Marble Shark- lump in mouth?

    Hi Thankyou for your advice.
  6. serg

    Marble Shark- lump in mouth?

    7[/SIZE Hi I have a Marble Shark which has developed a lump inside its front lower mouth. It is like a small balloon and has stopped eating due to this. I have asked around but to no avail. I require some urgent help please. Regards Serg