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  1. smooth_9

    Lighting help

    Hello I am consierating M.H. lights and I was wondering how many degrees the temperature would go up. I don`t want to end up needing a Chiller. The fixure I am thinking about has two M.H.s and two compact fluorscent`s. Thanks SMooTH
  2. smooth_9

    Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp

    I will follow your suggestion and get another one or maybe two more, and hope that the one that I have shows up @ some point. Thanks
  3. smooth_9


    The Amamone closes or shrinks approximately every other day.
  4. smooth_9

    Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp

    I purchased a Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp a few weeks ago and I have not seen the shrimp since. Do they hide in the rocks? I was wondering if the Damsels may have killed it.
  5. smooth_9


    Hello I have one Anemone and it shrinks and then gets back big. Is this normal? Thanks Lydell
  6. smooth_9

    Live Rock

    Thank you I looked @ the post you told me about.
  7. smooth_9

    Live Rock

    The white stuff is smooth texured, it is not very thick because it shows the rock form and holes in the rock, has a blue-white color.
  8. smooth_9

    Live Rock

    Hello I just added 50lbs of Live rock, and some white stuff is growing on some of the rocks. Any idea what it is.
  9. smooth_9

    Well Water

    thank you for the info I was wondering. Currently I am using well water, and happy that I have not got to far into this. I was just about to buy live rock. :):rolleyes:
  10. smooth_9

    Well Water

    Is well water ok to use for a saltwater setup?
  11. smooth_9

    Tank Is Turning Brown

    Thank you for the fine info I suppose I will have another change when I add live rock later this week.
  12. smooth_9

    Tank Is Turning Brown

    Thank you Smalltimer I was hoping that it was not to bad. Is this when the tank clouds up? As I have been reading. Thanks again SMooTH
  13. smooth_9

    Tank Is Turning Brown

    My tank is turning brown. The tank will be set up one month on Wednesday 9-11. I have four Damsels and 5 crabs in the tank. Last week i went from 30 to 160 watts of lights. Do I need to do anything. What`s going on? Thanks Lydell
  14. smooth_9

    Tank Is Turning Brown

    My tank is turning brown. The tank will be set up one month on Wednesday 9-11. I have four Damsels and 5 crabs in the tank. What`s going on? last week I went from: 2*15*(18") to 4*40*(48") floursent lights. Thanks Lydell
  15. smooth_9

    New Lights

    Hello are these lights enough for reefs
  16. smooth_9

    New Lights

    well I have my lights I have 4-40 watt tubes two are regular aquarium bulbs and the others are a Coralife 50/50 and the other is a coralife 10.000k. I purchased two shop light fixtures, which hold two tubes a peice. I built this canopy click...
  17. smooth_9

    Lights Lights Lights What Do I Do???

    well I have my lights I have 4-40 watt tubes two are regular aquarium bulbs and the other are Coralife 50/50 and the other is coralife 10.000k. I purchased two shop light fixtures, which hold two tubes a peice.
  18. smooth_9

    Lights Lights Lights What Do I Do???

    I found this canopy on the net I will build this until I can do better. I have already built the box on the way to Home Depot now.
  19. smooth_9

    Lights Lights Lights What Do I Do???

    Thank you for the info I need all I can get.
  20. smooth_9

    Lights Lights Lights What Do I Do???

    What would you use to put the lights in.