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  1. aqua_chick

    What is your favorate color of fish.

    the colors of the royal how it goes from a deep blue to purple then to yellow...such a pretty fish!
  2. aqua_chick

    an opinion on lionfish...?

    I have currently set up a new tank, 54g Corner, and occupied it with fish and inverts from my 75g. Now i am re-settin up my 75g as an agressive tank. I currently have about 70lbs LR, 3" substrate, medium size yellow tang, 2 2" domino damsels, some blue-leg hermits and some turbo snails. I...
  3. aqua_chick


    I would suggest purchacing some live rock. It will still be a Fish Only tank with some live rock. It acts as a biological filter and will give your fish some places to hide, especially the yellow-tail blue damsels. Mine loves the rock, made an area his territory. Do you currently have any...