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  1. skirrbysgf

    My Humble Abode

    beth, very pretty pics.
  2. skirrbysgf

    who likes milk?

    *me* milk doesnt taste different to me. all milk is the same for me no matter what
  3. skirrbysgf

    Desserts - what's your favorite?

    My favorite is the hot fudge sundays from mcdonalds i get one about maybe 3 out of 7 days a week. im in love with em
  4. skirrbysgf

    Entered daughter in photo contest, please vote

    i vote 10!!!!! very cute
  5. skirrbysgf


    i havent seen these pics :rolleyes: aka puppydog face lol
  6. skirrbysgf


    One year left for me!!! :jumping: so excited. but yet scary... congrats by the way
  7. skirrbysgf

    just how dirty can you get?

    well im posting under my girlfriends name.. but yeah a 7 day time period is fine
  8. skirrbysgf

    Just another Clownfish Pic

    whoa.. so what do you do with all your clowns?
  9. skirrbysgf

    finally get a chance to post pics of my new addition

    very very pretty cant wait to see it in person!
  10. skirrbysgf

    What time do you wake up

    awww! how sweet! :yes: i love it to
  11. skirrbysgf

    ? for skirrby

    sure, im not at my house atm.. but when i get home ill be sure to shoot you a email
  12. skirrbysgf

    my 5 day tank

    hey this is skirrby on my girlfriends name.. i live in orlando and would like to know what lfs you have been going to.. dont seem like they are givng you the best advise.. you will learn fast that alot of lfs people will give you bad advice if it means making a sale.. however i know of one that...
  13. skirrbysgf

    My new Torch and a few other pictures.

    wow very pretty.
  14. skirrbysgf

    6 Pack

    i really like your mushrooms. Tank is pretty also!
  15. skirrbysgf

    something funny for the gals!

    lol funny!
  16. skirrbysgf

    Can you name my baby?

  17. skirrbysgf

    News ??

    i didnt hear about that but its really sad.
  18. skirrbysgf

    New additions! YAY!

    i really like the pink zoos.
  19. skirrbysgf

    How many people have lame co-workers?

    well, i work at a publix. which is a grocery store. I dont usually have a problem with my customers. To me they are in and out and if they have a problem and dont like it they can go shop somewhere else. yet i am very nice to them. As for co-workers the ones i usually work with are from ages...
  20. skirrbysgf

    no surface agitation

    the water falling from the display to the sump with help add oxygen to the water to