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  1. Jigsaw

    First time raising fry

    Here is sump area
  2. Jigsaw

    First time raising fry

    Here is my rotifers in a 2.5 gal water container. Also a small 3gal for the fry.
  3. Jigsaw

    First time raising fry

    Here is one of my main tank ill post more in a bit i cant seem to do more than one at a time. Newb here lol.
  4. Jigsaw

    First time raising fry

    Hi ive done a bunch of reading on this site after noticing eggs on my 90 gallon tank. Seems my True Percula pair decided to give me extra work to do. After reading a lot from of forums on here from bang guy (thank you) i figured i should join the site. I've got some roteifers "growing" Ill get...