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  1. ajer

    Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it

    Wow....The conversations on a aquarium board.....Politics. O, The McCain Fans Are doing this: O, The Obama Fans Are doing this: O, The Ralph Nader Fans Are Doing this: O, Denis Kusinage is doing this: Aliens, Destroy Earth
  2. ajer

    Protien Skimmer

    Also, is there some kind of chlorine test kit so I can make sure all the chlorine is gone? And if I remember correctly other Chlorinates require 24-48 hours to aspirate out. I am assuming I cannot lid the bucket during this process and I don't really want a open bucket sitting around for 24-48...
  3. ajer

    Protien Skimmer

    Do I have to let it sit BEFORE I add the salt or can I let the Chlorine evaporate while the salt is mixing?
  4. ajer

    Protien Skimmer

    What am I supposed to use to remove Chlorine? I am planning on getting a RO filter in January. But until then? Prime has received good reviews, people say it doesn't make they're PS go nuts, guess I'll try that. Will the non-good dechlorinator stop causing trouble soon?
  5. ajer

    Protien Skimmer

    I am using "AquaSafe Water Conditioner" it says it's "Reef/marine Safe" but nothing about protein skimmers. Should I switch to "Stress Coat Marine"? It claims to be non-foaming.
  6. ajer

    Protien Skimmer

    I received my BH-100 today. IT'S HUGE! I installed it, started the siphon in the outlet and then removed the airline from the siphon starter. I has been on for about 1 hour, but now the foam is piling up on the side opposite to the Collection cup, I has been doing this for the last hour. It look...
  7. ajer


    My LR is glued together, should I break it apart?
  8. ajer


    I was planning to put the corals in bags then in a cooler.
  9. ajer

    water flow question and lighting question

    Is that bad?
  10. ajer


    So, I put the LR in a bucket and the corals in individual bags? I'm leaving the LS in the tank. just leaving 1-2 inches of water to cover it.
  11. ajer


    Are the garbage bags safe and will packaging the LR without water cause a die off?
  12. ajer

    How can we get a few more moderstors

    Admin: I was wondering. Could you integrate something into the boards that allows people with more than say 100 posts to "mark" posts that are unrelated, foul mouthed, etc. for your Mod.'s to go over and remove?
  13. ajer

    Is experimentation a part of this hobby?

    I think experimentation is good, but always keep the good of your aminals in mind. Don't just experiment so you can say "I have a 2 foot grouper in a 10 gallon tank". Do it carefully and patiently.
  14. ajer

    water flow question and lighting question

    "Purple Tree Coral is sometimes referred to as Broccoli Coral, Branch, or Cauliflower Coral. They are Purple to Blue slender branching tree-like Soft corals that are ideal for the beginner reef aquarists. The parent colony of these coral frags were originally collected in Indonesia, and were...
  15. ajer

    How to care for sebae anemone

    let's just say they are carnivorous in the wild. Good luck
  16. ajer

    water flow question and lighting question

  17. ajer

    Wholesale nike jordan shoes shipping!!!

    A, Notice, This is his first post, He is a noob, probably keeping his moorish idol in his Nike shoes. Pore guy, probably got told by some mean old Live fish store than you can keep moorish idols in shoes. (Do you detect a hint of sarcasm?) I mean this post is TOTALLY related to saltwater, like...
  18. ajer


    THE FINAL PLAN! (I put this in bold to make myself feel better when I change THE "FINAL" PLAN) Remove corals and put in bags, place bags in cooler. Put Clowns in a 5 gal bucket with lid and airstone, same for wrasse and firefish, and smae for hermits, same for snails, same for shrimp. Remove LR...
  19. ajer

    Protien Skimmer

    I ordered my BH100 (also in the same order a Hydor Korialia 2 and a Refractometer! )
  20. ajer

    Jigsaw for Acylic?

    My dad and I built a acrylic hood once and we sandwiched the acrylic in between 2 sheets on plywood cut to the shape of the piece of acrylic was going to be the we just slid a jigsaw with a metal blade a long the edge of the clamped plywood sheets with the acrylic sticking out. Then I filed the...