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  1. conch

    My 55 Gal Remodel

  2. conch

    My 55 Gal Remodel

    before again
  3. conch

    My 55 Gal Remodel

    I just went through a Major remodel yesturday when I bought some new coral. Tell me what you all think 1st a couple of befores (this is also the first pictures I've posted here so please be brutally honest yet constructive :nervous: )
  4. conch

    New PC Lighting colors emerge

    Recently I have seen various new color ratings in PC Lighting (6500k, 12000k, 7200k and an 8800k) What exactly is up with the new Colors, and What is the best use for them. or should I just stick with the normal actinic 03/10000k that seem to be the Standard? Just wondering
  5. conch

    The play by play on a Jebo 180 skimmer

    The 182 out of box
  6. conch

    The play by play on a Jebo 180 skimmer

    here is what the powerhead looks like assembled BioBalls in the center of the Yellow Filter.
  7. conch

    The play by play on a Jebo 180 skimmer

    :nervous: I just bought the in-Sump verion of this Skimmer, I will also show a play by play of the istalation when it gets here I am cautiously optimistic that if nothing else, for my 55g the Skimmer will be a valid one rven if I have to repower it. I also got the Jebo bg2200 powerhead with...
  8. conch

    20gal DIY mud filter & skimmer redundent?

    55 g 130w 50/50 PC 130w 10000k PC 130w Actinic PC ~ 50 lbs of Live rock Several pieces Gorgonian Onc piece Orange Tree Sponge Some Zoos and Mushroom Rocks 2 Percula Clownfish 2 horseshoe crabs Royal Gramma Mandarin Dragonet Rusty Clown Gobi Bartlett Anthias 2 Firefish Gobi 2 peppermint Shrimp 2...
  9. conch

    is 6 65w PC enough

  10. conch

    Thining about Anemones

    Thomas, Thanks for the Advice, I was thinking Along the same lines but thought I'de Ask. Can you think of an Anemones that my Clowns would like but would not be as much of a threat to the rest of the inhabitents of my tank? Thanks again jon
  11. conch

    is 6 65w PC enough

    Trumpets Considered SPS?
  12. conch

    Thining about Anemones

    I saw a Nice piece of Green Carpet Anemone (S. mertensi) at my LFS and Was wondering if it was ok for my Tank. 55 g 130w 50/50 PC 130w 10000k PC 130w Actinic PC ~ 50 lbs of Live rock Several pieces Gorgonian Onc piece Orange Tree Sponge Some Zoos and Mushroom Rocks 2 Percula Clownfish 2...
  13. conch

    is 6 65w PC enough

    I have 2 50/50's, 2 10000k, and 2 true Actininc on a 55 gal reef tank. Should this be enough lighting for most SPS, or LPS that I would like to put in my tank?
  14. conch

    Royal Gramma, Blue reef Chromis

    Here are some better pictures of the troublsome one
  15. conch

    Royal Gramma, Blue reef Chromis

    No black dot on tail or behind Fin, he does have a light black line through his eyes however, other then that his body id only Blue. Gramma will not come out of hiding and I can't net the problem fish. I am worried that the Gramma will starve now. Any suggestions on how to Catch this crafty...
  16. conch

    Royal Gramma, Blue reef Chromis

    :) Thanks, yes I only have 1 the gramma did go right in to rocks i have ~ 70 lbs I don't know if the html will work, but the links will for a picture of the tank thanks for the tip on the Chromis, this is a blue cromis right?
  17. conch

    Royal Gramma, Blue reef Chromis

    I just got an Order in today, and place the fish in my tank all is fine except the new royal gramma and the blue Chromis are going at it hard, and I can't get either of them out of the tanks and into the net :eek: Am I going to lose one of these fish, and if so which one will win if they are...