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  1. pfcbizz

    building a QT tank with a divider

    Hello I want to switch to a bigger QT tank like a 20 or 30 gallon and put a divider to be able to QT multiple fish at once what do you guys think
  2. pfcbizz

    King and Queen in the same tank

    Hello SWFF Members, I'm wanting to know if it would be ok for a King and Queen angel to be in the same tank ? the tank is 180 gallons
  3. pfcbizz

    Queen or Emperor

    so how do think about them two being in a 180 gallon ?
  4. pfcbizz

    Protein skimmer and return pump sizes

    the way you have your sump/ refug setup sounds nice I might try your way and I'll have the skimmer and pump in the internal
  5. pfcbizz

    Installing a UV Sterilizer

    On my new build a 180 gallon acrylic I want to add a UV Sterilizer but wonder what size, watts should I get ?
  6. pfcbizz

    Protein skimmer and return pump sizes

    I'm putting together a new build a 180 gallon drill acrylic which will have a sump/ refug in the bottom so I'm looking for advise on the sizes of protein skimmer and return pump to get the best water flow ?
  7. pfcbizz

    Adding fish

    so in question how long of a time period should I give in-between adding ? weeks/ months ?
  8. pfcbizz

    putting copepods and Micro algae in a refugium

    I haven't purchased a return pump as of yet so I couldn't answer your question
  9. pfcbizz

    Adding fish

    the tank I have running now is 100 gallon and the new build is a 180 gallon
  10. pfcbizz

    putting copepods and Micro algae in a refugium

    I wont have any media but live sand
  11. pfcbizz

    Adding fish

    Hello I want to ask advise on how much time should I talk in between the QT and adding fish into my DT so I don't overload it
  12. pfcbizz

    putting copepods and Micro algae in a refugium

    Thank you guy's for the advise, but today I was at my LFS and talking with my Dude that works there and he was telling me that unless I'm gonna have the type of fish that really eat copepods it's really a waste of money adding them and the list of fish I have and will have don't really eat...
  13. pfcbizz

    putting copepods and Micro algae in a refugium

    S orry I don't understand your question
  14. pfcbizz

    putting copepods and Micro algae in a refugium

    yes your right that's what I was talking about
  15. pfcbizz

    putting copepods and Micro algae in a refugium

    would it be ok to put copepods and Micro algae in a refugium together ?
  16. pfcbizz

    using a epoxy over acrylic non-toxic paint

    this is the stand I'm almost done with with the 180 gallon tank being fitted
  17. pfcbizz

    using a epoxy over acrylic non-toxic paint

    thank you for the advise, and I sure will be posting plenty of pictures of the build as I progress
  18. pfcbizz

    using a epoxy over acrylic non-toxic paint

    forgive me guys but I'm not sure I understand what you've suggested, but may I should explain my project further, I've found a company called where I plan to buy epoxy putty to create a custom overflow box from a " 6 piece of PVC pipe the putty will cover the entire pipe and I also...
  19. pfcbizz

    using a epoxy over acrylic non-toxic paint

    Hey everyone, I wonder if you need a epoxy clear coat over non-toxic paints, I'm building a custom overflow box for my 180 gallon saltwater aquarium and found non-toxic paints that I plan to use to paint the box after I'm done building it, but my question is do I need to put a clear epoxy coat...