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  1. koon7


    thanks they are all doing so well
  2. koon7


    hammer coral yellow polyps candy coral colt coral tank shot
  3. koon7

    Scooter Blenny pics

    this is my red scooter
  4. koon7


    corals, sailfin and yellow tang
  5. koon7

    my tank

    Thank you very much... it's only four months old and still in progress.
  6. koon7


    cabbage coral
  7. koon7

    my tank

    72 gal bowfront 75lbs lr 1 cabbage coral, 1 atlantic anenome, 1 frogspawn, 1 toadstool leather, 2 feather duster, 1 gorgonian fish: 1 yellow tang 1 sailfin tang 1 percula clown 1 red scooter 1 blue fin damsel 1 engineer goby 100 obsoleta snails 15 blue leg hermits