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  1. tax lady

    Securing Feather Dusters

    I am looking into getting some FDs. but do not know anything about them. Looks like they have to find a place to put their foot into ( by your posts above) and not to glue them on. Is this correct? The ones you'll have pics above are beautiful. Hope I can find some nice colored ones too. Any...
  2. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Originally Posted by dustyboy316 It's about 4 months old, but it dosen't have any bad algae or anything, just the purple spots growing on the walls. It also has little white dots growing on the walls. The purple spots are coraline. The white dots may also be that. I am not experienced...
  3. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Originally Posted by dustyboy316 I'm in the same boat as you. I scraped mine off easily with my magna-float, so I'm guessing this is Cyano? I thought ti was corraline, I was pretty excited. do you have a new tank w/ no coraline?
  4. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Just checked. It is definitely softer than the coraline and even is different in color. It is more of a dark color than pink. So what should i do?
  5. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Originally Posted by Posiden Does it wipe off easily? Coraline has to be scrapped off. Will check tomorrow. Could not put my hands in tank today.
  6. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Just looked up cyano and it is a slime algae. But I have 2 emerald crabs. some hermits, &Turbos. Tank is only 24 gal aquapod. These took care of my other algae problem. What else can I do to get rid of the cyano and black algae? Any help would be appreciated.
  7. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    What should I do to treat the Cyerno?
  8. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    I thought that was coraline.
  9. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    P|lease tell me what you mean by Nutrients. Possibly been overfeeding? or what? Also I tried to find description for Cyano, seems like it is like slime on the glass. Don't know where you see it though. Tell me where on the glass. Also what can I use to get rid of it and the black algae...
  10. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    sorry, I have a terrible camera. Actually the shot was not so bad until it got zoomed bigger. The one on photobucket site, although smaller, is clearer. Can you identify it and tell me what to do to clear it up.? Thanks in advance....
  11. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Sorry Persidon ,I can't get it to paste. Go to photobucket and see the pictures I took of the black algae. Let me know what you think. Any help will be appreciated. When I was just there taking pics, I saw more of it...funny how it only has...
  12. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Originally Posted by Posiden Give this a shot. See if this is what you have. No, doesn't look like that. Although my ph was low and I have been adding stuff my lfs gave me a little for about a week, it is now o.k. about 8 or 8.5. It is...
  13. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Doesn't anyone know anything about black hair algae? I have only 2 fish with lr ls corals. tank testings are with my first post. Thanks for any help.
  14. tax lady

    Anyone explain why black hair algae growing.

    Maybe I am feeding too much, but I have never heard of black hair algae. It is just starting to grow in a few spots in my: 24 gallon Aquapod temp 78-80 1.024 ph 8.5 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 ammonia 0 Can't figure how I downloaded the pic before, so no pic, but its just a few fuzzy spots of algae...
  15. tax lady

    How long is RO water good to use?

    Let me know if you find out anything. Seems like I should get the same thing that you got when you went there.
  16. tax lady

    How long is RO water good to use?

    Just did that, same thing happened. When I right click there is no "copy", only copy image, then on e-mail, there is no paste. Go figure!!!!
  17. tax lady

    How long is RO water good to use?

    I tried that. When I put my mouse on top of pic and right click I do not get "copy", I get "copy image". then when I go to email and right click it does not give me a paste. Maybe I have to go to a different pic?? The pic I tried it with is the one when I just go on to the site.
  18. tax lady

    How long is RO water good to use?

    Originally Posted by T316 If you want to put the pic in an email, don't worry about the links below the pic. Just right click on the pic itself, hit copy, then go to the email you are writing and right click, hit paste......Waaalaa As far as RO verses RODI water goes, the basic explanation...
  19. tax lady

    How long is RO water good to use?

    Originally Posted by T316 Not sure what you mean. Why can't you copy a pic from an email to here? There are several other things I would like to share with you regarding pics, and I want to comment on your cool tank, but let's get your questions out of the way first. You have already overcome...
  20. tax lady

    How long is RO water good to use?

    Originally Posted by promisetbg I hope you are purchasing RO/DI water for your reef, not RO. Make sure if is just fresh, it is kept sealed tight. Since it is so devoid of elements, it makes it aggressively take in any pollutants from your home/the air. My lfs guy is giving me RO water in...