Search results

  1. whitey

    Achilles tang...

    Don't risk it, and find a better home for the shark. jmo.
  2. whitey

    let's see all those FOWLR tanks!

    Originally Posted by ccampbell57 the rule of thumb is to only have 1 angel. THere are many people that have more than 1 but there are rules to this. 1) I have had my emperor for almost 4 years now. I know everything about him. I know all of his coloration changes and his attitude. I would...
  3. whitey

    Happy 311 Day

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig I heard a rumor they named themselves 3-11 after the police code for 3-11...i.e."we have a 3-11 in progress". Indecent Exposure Yep.
  4. whitey

    Water for LIFE

    I'd buy some, but I lost my feet in Nam'
  5. whitey

    Happy 311 Day

    Growing up in Omaha when 311 was just a local band was very cool. I've seen them at least 25 times, and the best shows were the ones in the early 90's playing in front of maybe 500 people. At the time, I hated seeing them get popular because I knew each member of the band, and I disliked...
  6. whitey

    Coral catshark

    Hey journeyman. I respect you very much, and agree with much of the stuff you contribute to here, but deleting my post and not others is pretty ridiculous.
  7. whitey

    lets beat the stereotype!!!

    The 2 previous posts are by people who just don't get it.
  8. whitey

    lets beat the stereotype!!!

    How the fish doin? Errm, I mean, experiment.
  9. whitey

    Coral catshark

    Originally Posted by Brenden Jake - I assume you know everything though right. I mean you have kept 30+ odd Sharks in your life time and even got most of them to eat frozen food! You have also been studying them for 6 years so you must be an expert in the field now. We are lucky to have members...
  10. whitey

    Coral catshark

    Do you rescue sharks in Minnesota?
  11. whitey

    How lOng?

    Many corals can be exposed to the air for quite a while. During low tide, many corals are left out of the water until high tide rolls back in. For the amount of time you'll have yours out, they will be fine.
  12. whitey

    Need Info on Bicolor Parrotfish

    Parrotfish are known to swim miles per day in the wild. This fish should NEVER be kept in any home aquarium. The Fish Store you purchased it from should be embarrassed for even bringing in the fish in the first place. I would speak to a manager and inform them that you won't give them any...
  13. whitey

    Need Info on Bicolor Parrotfish

    I would take the fish back to the LFS you got it from, and never shop there again. That fish cannot be kept in a 60 gallon tank, let alone a tank 3-4 times as big.
  14. whitey

    Coral catshark

    Originally Posted by cars&sharks if its written in a book, it is recommended, maybe not recommended by you, but it is still recommended. you can go on and tell me all of your oppinions and views about shark husbandry, but until you have majored or atleast minored in marine biology in college...
  15. whitey

    how many more fish can i have in a 72 gallon tank?

    Originally Posted by rad 8-10 isnt bad if your not going for a predator tank. you wouldnt believe the tanks Ive heard of. as for specifics on his tank, this board couldnt handle the craziness that is his tank. and I would get bashed all over. for something that I didnt even do. Im not saying...
  16. whitey

    how many more fish can i have in a 72 gallon tank?

    Originally Posted by rad guy, Im no troll. dont speak to me like one. Im just letting people know what is going on outside the box. I realize that everyone here has a degree in marine biology and you are 29 and awesome, with an education, supposively in marine biology as well, but Im just...
  17. whitey

    Coral catshark

    Originally Posted by cars&sharks I didn't say it was a bible for shark keeping, i simply was giving a reference. i have many other books, but that was the first one i pulled out. that may be you oppinion and you are entitled to it, but i again have been studying them for 6+ years not to...
  18. whitey

    how many more fish can i have in a 72 gallon tank?

    Originally Posted by rad not saying this is the norm, and its probably completely unacceptable by this boards standards but I have a friend with 15 fish in his 75 gallon. All his levels tested at zero, and I know this because I tested them one day out of disbelief. He uses alot of a product...
  19. whitey

    Coral catshark

    Originally Posted by cars&sharks no its not. i believe a coral cat shark is fine in a tank of 125 gal. Nope.
  20. whitey

    which is the smallest Tang?

    Probably a Tomini Tang, or a Kole.