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  1. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Agent707 Now, you know. And according to G.I. Joe, knowing is half the battle Sorry, that quote from G.I. Joe is forever stuck in my head.
  2. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick I didn’t realize I was an Atheist till you hit it on the head! I am Agnostic and on this thread I want our Christian friends to come up with something new instead of giving us all the same old canned answers when we question your god and bible and the only way to do...
  3. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick There is no way I am going to and, those are slanted to support Christians and give you token replies to any dismissal of your faith and bible. You didn't come up with anything that I found surprising, it's exactly what I...
  4. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick how bout some non christain think they might be biased? those are meaningless. Did you actually read any of this? It's not just Christians hoping to get lucky and coming up with lame excuses. These are historians and archeologists, some who happened to...
  5. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

  6. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    More Bible Vs. history...
  7. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Here's the first thing I found... Some highlights... Renowned Jewish archaeologist Nelson Gluek confidently said that "It...may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference. Scores of...
  8. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Secular writings about Jesus.
  9. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick The difference in compiling and translating ancient history and events and religious scripts are people's agendas. A historian is looking at facts and recording those facts. A religious scholar might be looking add a little here and there to help support evidence or...
  10. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    To get an idea how much better the historical evidence for the bible is than pretty much anything from ancient history take a look at this... There were several historians of the ancient world whose works are quite popular. Thucydides, who wrote History of the Peloponnesian War, lived from 460...
  11. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick It is evident that at an early date Christians were painfully aware of this fatal omission and took steps to correct it. Between sections two and four of chapter 3 of Antiquities there appears a short section, appropriately titled section 3, in which Jesus and the...
  12. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Farslayer Cite a source. I just put some quotes down. I honestly can't stand defending the position that Jesus EXISTED. There is more historical evidence he existed than probably anyone in history. And from a historical standpoint one cannot totally dismiss the bible...
  13. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick Consider the following: 1) The dates of their writings are well after the alleged time of Jesus and contain numerous irresolvable contradictions and obvious forgeries10. 2) The writer of the Gospel of John presents a different Christ from that of the synoptic gospels...
  14. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick I think more and more historians are beginning to question his actual existence and like myself, view him as a mythical character. Why are there no written documents from his lifetime that mention him (7bce to 33ce)? There are writing from this time, like that of...
  15. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 hey hagfish were in ILL do u live im in geneva Granite City. Near St. Louis. Geneva is north isn't it?
  16. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick On top of that, there isn't any real evidence that Jesus actually existed. Someone of his stature who was drawing such large crowds and was the ire of the Jews and the Romans wouldn't have had anything written about him (when writing was common) until the Gospel of...
  17. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick I thought Jesus was all about love, tolerence and forgiveness? He was about love, I said that quite clearly. He is also very much for forgiveness. With tolerance, it depends on what exactly you mean. He tolerates sin in that he allows people to do it if they...
  18. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick Well if it gave us free will, then how can it send us to hell for making our own choices? I already explained this. But here it is again. Hell is defined in the Bible as seperation from God. God allows you to choose to spend eternity with him or without him. Now...
  19. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick I have a lot of christain friends (the typical kind that go to church once a year) and they certainly don't share your beliefs. So if god has things planned then why aren't we all christians, why is there war, famine, murder, genocide, brutality, corruption? Also...
  20. hagfish

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Originally Posted by Jmick So a christian can bomb an abortion clinic and kill people and repent and go to heaven and another person can go through life doing good deeds and loving everyone that they come in contact with and still go to hell because they do not believe in god? YOu don't see a...