Search results

  1. piercy

    60 gallon breeder 36" tank almost new

    Are you willing to ship? Also what are the Dimensions on the tank?
  2. piercy

    For Sale: 2 Tanks

    Selling two tanks: 1) 75 gallon drilled with glass lids, plumbing, and light - $150 obo 2) 29 gallon with lid, light, and metal stand - $100 obo I don't know how to post pics here maybe someone can help me. If you email me I'll be glad to email you pics- . I have both tanks...
  3. piercy

    29 Gallon filteration

    I'm kinda new to the hobby and I just want to start out with something little. I have a 29 gallon that I'm going to setup. What kind of filteration/setup should I use. Thank you
  4. piercy

    Type of Filteration

    I'm kinda new to the hobby and I just want to start out with something little. I have a 29 gallon that I'm going to setup. What kind of filteration should I use. Thank you.
  5. piercy

    WTB: Tank for sump

    I'm looking for a tank to use as a sump for a 75 gallon reef.
  6. piercy

    60 gallon breeder 36" tank almost new

    Interested, where are you located?
  7. piercy

    Skimmers with Ozone

    I'm looking for some opinons on skimmers with ozone. I read that if you hook up an ozone to your skimmer the skimmer is more effective. Is this true? and is it worth the money doing it?
  8. piercy

    WTB: Large Tank in the NJ, PA, and NY area

    Acrylic51, are you willing to sell? I understand that your tank is currently occupied. Email me so I know when you want to get rid of the tank. I also have a few questions about your tank. What are the dimensions? Leaks? Scratches? I guess if you had a picture that would help. Thank you Bradley...
  9. piercy

    WTB: Large Tank in the NJ, PA, and NY area

    Acrylic51 I think you have a deal. Right now I'm at school in Williamsport, Pa. Email me so we can figure out the details. Thank you.
  10. piercy

    WTB: Large Tank in the NJ, PA, and NY area

    For just the tank $350. Also do you want to trade? I have a paintball gun I don't use anymore. I don't know how to put a pic on here. If interested email me and I'll send you some.
  11. piercy

    WTB: Large Tank in the NJ, PA, and NY area

    Thirty6 do you have a pic of the tank?
  12. piercy

    WTB: Large Tank in the NJ, PA, and NY area

    Bill109 I'm located in Vernon, NJ but the tank is with me at school which is in PA. Let me know.....I'm sure we could work something out.
  13. piercy

    WTB: Large Tank in the NJ, PA, and NY area

    Acrylic51 it depends. How much are you looking for?
  14. piercy

    Live sand Question

    If you had live sand in a setup and drained the tank of all its water to sell is it still live? Will come back if you refilled the tank again?
  15. piercy

    WTB: Large Tank in the NJ, PA, and NY area

    Hello fellow hobbist, I'm looking to buy a tank 100+ gallon tank. Stand and canopy are not necessary. I also have a 75 gallon tank plumbed that I would like to trade.
  16. piercy

    wtb: 100 gal or larger in NJ

    Hey Thirty6, I have a custom 75 gallon tank w/ light for $100. I'm locate in Vernon, NJ. Email me if interested.
  17. piercy

    wtb: 100 gal or larger in NJ

    Hey Corky, I'm interested in your tank. If you can email me some pics of it I would apperciate it .
  18. piercy

    wtb: 100 gal or larger in NJ

    Corky is that tank sold? If not do you have pics? I'm interested in it
  19. piercy

    150 for sale NJ

    Would you sell just the tank? and how much?
  20. piercy

    WTB Large Tank

    How much? I'm just looking for a tank not a setup.