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  1. coralreefer

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    nice, i like the serpent
  2. coralreefer

    wife wants starfish and seahorse in reef? whats safe?

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ Seahorses are best left in a species only. They can be housed with corals, but only softies and non stinging. Thier temps need to be around 74 degrees, and they need a varied flow between light to med. They should only be eatting frozen mysis, brine do not have...
  3. coralreefer

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    i would do that if i could but between the tee and the union, there is only about a centimeter of pvc space im actually considering re-doing it...
  4. coralreefer

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    i am going to install a ball valve before the scrubber so i can turn the flow off from the overflow and just shut off the return pump
  5. coralreefer

    coralreefer's 75 gallon build

    no camera yet. btw hilarious avatar
  6. coralreefer

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    i have a problem. this is how i did my plumbing: when i unscrew the ball valve to clean the scrubber, wont water spray everywhere and make a mess? what is the solution to this issue?
  7. coralreefer

    Best filter?

    canisters are a PITA!!!!! set up a sump, theyre just like canisters except the dont have an o ring or pressure!!!!!
  8. coralreefer

    flow questions

    good news. i found a spot in the tank with little flow for the lps ill keep you posted on how they do when the lights turn on
  9. coralreefer

    flow questions

    would the back work well for a first try?
  10. coralreefer

    Cleaning Live Rock

    just make sure its completely new and no body has used it for our nasty human mouths! fish dont tolerate it
  11. coralreefer

    flow questions

    i have a 75 gallon tank and i need help woth flow. my situation is that i have lps like brains and a bubble and they require little to no flow. how could i direct my powerhead (vortech mp20) so that it reaches the wholw tank, just weaker in some places more than others? one thought i had was...
  12. coralreefer

    coralreefer's 75 gallon build

    im sooooooooo sorry about the delay. my camera is broken. i have made tremendous progress. i finished the plumbing and siliconed the baffles to the inside of the sump. i am fixing my camera tomorrow, so pics are coming soon!
  13. coralreefer

    green bubble algea

    put a couple of emerald crabs in your tank. they'll take care of it
  14. coralreefer

    lighting question

    ill just save up for 2 thanks
  15. coralreefer

    need help from nove extreame pro owners

    probably because of size, the nova extreme pro is pretty big
  16. coralreefer

    Finished Display Refuge!

    what would be awesome would be a planted seahorse tank! seahorses dont make a large boiload and you could put a lot of caulerpa in there for the seahorses to grab on to
  17. coralreefer

    lighting question

    cause i dont want to spend so much $$$$$$
  18. coralreefer

    My tanks (46g bow SW 55g FW)

    if you plan on keeping that powder blue, you really do need to upgrade. a 4" powder blue will no doubt develop a stress related disease and perish in your tank
  19. coralreefer

    lighting question

    hi, i was wondering if i could use one metal halide pendant on my 75 on one side of the tank and T5s on the other? could you guys post pics of your tanks that dont have the full amount of metal halide pendants on their tank? like if you have 2 sections on your tank, you only have one pendant? thanks
  20. coralreefer

    NEW Reefer. 180 gallon

    on your canopy, is that 2 metal halide pendants or 3?