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  1. hsanchez

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice!

    Just gives me the chills
  2. hsanchez

    pom pom xenia avalible in chicago

    Bump for Dirty-D
  3. hsanchez

    looking for new coral

    Send me an e.mail
  4. hsanchez


    I got mine right under the halide's. they love it and grow like crazy!
  5. hsanchez

    If you need a laugh!

    laughed so hard I woke up my gf!
  6. hsanchez

    White Sox / Indians BS

    It's all about the FANS!!! :cheer:
  7. hsanchez


    no feet!
  8. hsanchez

    Brown Slime in water change container

    I thought I was the only one. I get my RO in 5g buckets from the LFS. I usually get 4 at a time. By the time I get to the last 2 buckets they have this brown film on the bottom.
  9. hsanchez

    New Baby

    what do you feed your clown goby?
  10. hsanchez

    Something else needs to be done about this

    Originally Posted by Tim_12 I have two emeralds. They dont even touch it.
  11. hsanchez

    sand sifting cucumber don't look like it is going to make it

    here's the whole thread
  12. hsanchez

    sand sifting cucumber don't look like it is going to make it

    this is from a post by mudplayerx, I hope he don't mind A second and more drastic response is evisceration - the violent expulsion of the gut I mentioned above. In this case, the cuke basically expels a portion of its digestive system (guts) onto the substrate. It may be the fore or hind gut...
  13. hsanchez

    what is/was your first car

    88 Ford Escort LX. I got all the chicks in this hatch back.
  14. hsanchez

    Placement of new corals

    depends on your lighting, what you got hanging up above?
  15. hsanchez

    sand sifting cucumber don't look like it is going to make it

    I think I rememeber someone saying there cuke spit out his intestine and made it. Do a search it's here somewhere.
  16. hsanchez

    29 gal. pics

    i'll get some tomorrow as soon as the lights come on!
  17. hsanchez

    29 gal. pics

    man I love your rock work. I have a 29 and wish my rock work looked like that.
  18. hsanchez

    looking for new coral

    oh, that sucks. Mine doesn't touch mine
  19. hsanchez

    Something else needs to be done about this

    I had a small amount in my display and my new emerald crab took care of it down to the roots.
  20. hsanchez

    I need a tank near chicago.

    I know some one selling a 30g.