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  1. gene52569

    "Finding Nemo"

    Saw the movie. Two thumbs up! Had to order myself a hippo tang from here. What if any is the difference from a hippo and a regal tang?????????? All I can see is the price difference. Eugene from Northern, Ga.
  2. gene52569

    How do you keep it white?

    I have 2 horse shoe crabs that are always burrowing in the sand keeping it mixed and clean. Eugene from Northern, Ga.:)
  3. gene52569

    Going from crushed coral to live sand?

    I switched from coral to sand. I have 4 inches of sand that i took from the waters of florida myself. My fish seem happier and my nitrites and nitrates pretty much stay at zero. Before then they were high. I have a 29 gallon tank and a 10 gallon, and i can bet i have 60 inch of fish in them. I...
  4. gene52569

    porchupine puffer

    I have a puffer. He lays around most of the time until I approach the tank then he swims to the glass and will feed from my hand. I have had him about 3 months. How large do they get? he is about 3.5 inches now. Here is a picture of what he looks like. Just an everyday porcupine puffer???
  5. gene52569

    Red Slime Looking alge?

    I have a 10 and 29 gallon. I went out today and put a power head in the small tank, the 29 already had a power head. Both pump 160 gph. I also wiped off the glass on both tanks. I feed the fish once a day. Is that to much??
  6. gene52569

    Red Slime Looking alge?

    I have this redish brown slime on my glass on my tanks. I reach in and wipe it off and in a week or so I see it starting to come back. The folks at the store I buy my fish from can't seem to tell me what it is. I have green and purple alge on the back of my glass, I want that to stay. I only...
  7. gene52569

    stocking a 30 gl?

    In my 29 gallon, I have= 1 Snowflake eel 1 Yellow tang 1 Brown Powder tang 1 Sand Sifting Starfish 1 Brittle Serpent Starfish a few Hemit crabs 2 Crown Snails 2 Horseshoe Crabs 2 Dominoe Damsals 2 Three Stripe Damsals 2 Chocklate Starfish 3 hunks of Live Rock Plants in the background 4 inches of...
  8. gene52569

    Nitrate Remover

    I used Acquamarine Nitrate Remover in my 3, 10, and 29 gallon tanks. My Nitrates were very high, they were off the chart. After use the Nitrates dropped very quickly. Now they are 0.:) I also aquired some live sand from Panama City Florida on my last trip, My subsrate is 4 inches deep. I was not...