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  1. goblue

    a year later...

    thanks again, for the guy in CO, i broke my femur in keystone (watch out for those renegade posts) and i shop at Key's island, South broadway tropicals (very hit or miss, but also very close), todds, and quality aqua. The green star i don't feed, it's just the best color GSP i've ever seen...
  2. goblue

    a year later...

    sorry for the delayed reply, a ski accident had me in the hospital for a while there... yeah, i scrape the corraline off the glass every month or two with a razor. the clam (and the rest of the tank) are lighted under 2 VHO actinics and a 175 Watt MH at 12000K
  3. goblue

    a year later...

    different cameras, but you get the idea. this tank has been running for nearly 2 years now. I should have taken this before i fragged the GSPs, but they were about 20% larger. also, check out how much that acro has grown! So here's the question... the only fish in there are the clown and CB...
  4. goblue

    riddle me this...

    update - it's been without a shell for at least a week now and i just saw it crawling around the overflow. here in colorao they have a festival in some hick town out near utah called the "Mike the Headless Chicken Festival." They clebrate mike, a chicken who lived 2 years after his head was...
  5. goblue

    300g Mixed Reef Video

    Best film of the year... I laughed. I cried. It was better than Cats!
  6. goblue

    riddle me this...

    could be, i've got a hermit or two in there that may be in need of a new home
  7. goblue

    riddle me this...

    positive, definatly an astrea snail.
  8. goblue

    riddle me this...

    the other night i thought i saw a nudibranch on the glass. since i've never put one in on purpose, i took a flashlight to get a better look. Turns out it was an astrea snali without its shell. I found the shell but i haven't seen the snail since. I don't really expect him to be alive, but...
  9. goblue

    Nudibranch vs Apitasia

    i've never had to use a bergia myself, but a store in my area was willing to rent a crew of them out for a quick fix (you kill em, you buy em)
  10. goblue

    Post pics of your canopy

    i know this looks like a box, but it blends in well enough and you can make it yourself for 60 bucks, including the heat shield and fan.
  11. goblue

    invert fight

    knobby starfish aren't reef safe, this is supposed to be a reef safe star, but if polyps start disappearing, i guess i'll know.
  12. goblue

    invert fight

    i have a bali red starfish sitting on a bed of zo's... who do you think is trying to eat who?
  13. goblue

    WPG?... wow!!!

  14. goblue

    ID challenge pt. 2 (new pics)

    Thanks bang, i was hoping you would get a look at this one. You hit it on the nose (pun intended), a little research taught me that what is pictured is only the proboscis of the worm, the body is comfortably inside the rock.
  15. goblue

    ID challenge pt. 2 (new pics)

  16. goblue

    ID challenge pt. 2 (new pics)

    i got some clearer pictures tonight, so from the last thread here's what we know. Its not a bristle or peanut worm. It's NOT a starfish of any type. it is an unsegmented noctunal worm with a wierd ass head.
  17. goblue

    ID challenge

    really, its NOT a star of any kind. it is most definately an unsegmented worm. I'm borrowing my friend's camera to get shots of it so i'll try and figure out how to get clearer shots if he's out tonight. I've been reefing for a number of years and i'm pretty good with ID's, so you have to...
  18. goblue

    ID challenge

    really, its NOT a star of any kind. it is most definately an unsegmented worm. I'm borrowing my friend's camera to get shots of it so i'll try and figure out how to get clearer shots if he's out tonight. I've been reefing for a number of years and i'm pretty good with ID's, so you have to...
  19. goblue

    ID challenge

    it's not a brittle star, it is most definately a narrow worm with a broad T shaped head.
  20. goblue

    ID challenge

    it's def. not a bristle worm, and i know what peanut worms look like too. unless one can sprout a T shaped head it isn't one of those. i'll try to get better pics, but it's an elusive little sucker