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  1. acrylic300

    Low Light Corals?

    The sunlight raises the temp to about 81 F. Its about the same as having all the Triton bulbs going (cheap ballests). Im sure 3x 400 watt MH would raise it more. But if you all want to send me some free samples I'll give it a try.
  2. acrylic300

    Low Light Corals?

    I was wondering if maybe the sunlight would boost the Watts per gallon a bit? :notsure: I've noticed some people who farm reef have green houses set up :thinking:
  3. acrylic300

    Low Light Corals?

    I just set up this 300 gal. tank It only has 200 watts of florescent lighting and gets 3 hrs of sunlight a day. Are there any low light corals out there that will work or should I just go FOWLR? I wont be getting better lights.