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  1. dee77

    My new project

    wow looking good nice job!! ccant wait to see what you put in there
  2. dee77

    cleaner wrass???

    im not sure because when i 1st got him he was cleaning evey one besides my volition and stingray but now he picks on the sting ray and all of my fish any ideas on getting him out????
  3. dee77

    ID this blennie plzzz

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Blue and Gold Blenny Ecsenius lividanalis Yours, is uh... not looking so hot, pretty skinny. Start feeding him pretty heavily right away, mysis, new life spectrum pellets, and algae sheets (nori). are brine shrimp not good to feed him??
  4. dee77

    cleaner wrass???

    SO I GOT A cleaner wrass a while ago and now he picks on my sting ray and chases him and my blonde naso, he also chases a huge blue jaw dose any one else have this problem how would i get him out, i have a 200 gallon
  5. dee77

    MY 150 Fish Only

    nice job!!!!!
  6. dee77

    My new project

    sweet build
  7. dee77

    just added

    he has been in for like 4 days and the watchman is under a rock he is shy
  8. dee77

    just added

    just got these two clowns watchman and a blennie i have no clue what it is
  9. dee77

    ID this blennie plzzz

    so i got this and a watchmen goby, my lfs did not know what kind of blennie this is any help plzzzz
  10. dee77

    tank next to a window???

    so i have my 200 gallon next to 2 big windows and i have been getting air alge, my lfs gave me a sea hare to eat it all but i think i need more than one, do you think that the hair alge is from the sun light or what can i do to stop it..... the alge is only on the side that is next to the window
  11. dee77

    Royal Dottyback question

    yes he will be fine
  12. dee77

    How did you haul our fish tank?

    i moved my 200 gallon with two trips with the second biggest u haul and the second load was just of water tank is 4ft by 4ft
  13. dee77

    lion on the bottom of the tank

    could be too much current
  14. dee77

    need help plzz clown fish breeding

    im trying to find clown fish that are easy to breed and grow fast i have a 26 gallon and im going to put in a divider once eggs are hatched, dose any one think thats a bad idea i will have live brine shrimp growning with it... plzzzz help
  15. dee77

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    how deep is the pool
  16. dee77

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    ya i bet got any more pics?????
  17. dee77

    700+ gallon Ray Pool

    i love that pond a shark would be cool in there....... are you going to put any rock in there.... we had a huge blue spotted ray at my work and i died and we think its from some rock being in the tank and it scratched its stomach and got infected....
  18. dee77

    Breeding clown fish!!!!

    any one????????
  19. dee77

    Second time clownfish eggs

    is this in a reef tank or you breeding them
  20. dee77

    Breeding clown fish!!!!

    ok what do i need to breed them i have a 26 gall tank with nothing in it,its be cycling for 2 weeks but i want to know if there is any set up i can buy and how much or a link to a website that sells them i have looked but cant find any..... also what clown is easier to breed thanks!!