Search results

  1. chilidog

    Fish food???

    What is the best type of fish food for small fish like clowns and dansels?Like what is the best brand nme for dry fish foods.
  2. chilidog

    Feather duster???

    I just wanna get one to learn the hobby better.After i decide that I think i know what to do I will giv it back to the pet store.
  3. chilidog

    Feather duster???

    Ok thx...Can or should i get a damsel fish?
  4. chilidog

    Feather duster???

    Ok i added my semi cured live rock in my tanc 11 days ago.My test results for today were... Temp-78 S.G-1.022 P.h-8.2 Nitrite-0 Amonia-0.25p.p.m9Every ones been sayin that red sea test kits are known to read that if its 0 Nitrate-2.5p.p.m Is it ok to add a feather duster?:notsure:
  5. chilidog

    In Over my HEAD?? - Need suggestions!

    Wow that is gonna be a real nice set-up when its al done.I cant wait to see it in a year or 2 from now.When i get older i hope i can do the same as you are.
  6. chilidog

    Answer fast plz

    it would only be one peice...?
  7. chilidog

    Answer fast plz

    And can i lean rock up agaist the back of the glass?
  8. chilidog

    Answer fast plz question.Will taking out the sand that was in there when i cycled it mess up things?because its a mess.
  9. chilidog

    Answer fast plz

    Can I rearange my LR before the cycle is done.Its pety muych over now.
  10. chilidog

    Almost done yet???

    Thank you for all the help.I cant wait to add some snails lol.
  11. chilidog

    Almost done yet???

    Ok thx im gonna go buy some salifert tes kits.Is it ok if my mitrate was never higher than it is now?I started testing it a week after i added the rock.
  12. chilidog

    Almost done yet???

    red you have any experience with them?
  13. chilidog

    Almost done yet???

    Ok I added my LR to my tanc 9 days ago.On the first day the test results were as folows... Temp-78 S.P-1.022 P.H-8.2 Amonia-1.0 p.p.m Nitrite->1p.p.m Today was temp-78 S.P-1.022 P.H-8.2 Amonia-0.25 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-2.5 Is this normal that i have no nitrites but still have amonia?
  14. chilidog

    Ready to buy lights

    Sry man but the 72 inch 4x96 watt orbit is around 500 dollars.
  15. chilidog

    ID Please

    lol i got no idea what that is but it looks like it got of the CrAAAsy bus.
  16. chilidog

    Red sea amonia testing

    If you have had any experience with the red sea amonia test kit i need your help plz.On the test tube my amonia reads 0.25.p.p.m. on the little chart in my booklet it says that the percentage of toxic aonia at diff temps and ph values is 8.8.So the equation they give you is what i get confused...
  17. chilidog

    cycle started???

    cool thx for the info.What is a better test kit to get?
  18. chilidog

    cycle started???

    I just put my LR in my tanc 3 days ago.I put 90 pounds into a 90 gal tanc.I tested for temp,SP,PH,Amonia,and Nitrite.The temp was 78 degrees f,the SP was 1.022,the PH was 8.2,Nitrite was >1p.p.m,andn the Amonia was 0.14 p.p.m...The third day every thing was the same ecept the amonia went down to...
  19. chilidog

    apista pics plz

    lol ok thx for the spelling lesson.i tried it and got some ics thx.
  20. chilidog

    apista pics plz

    can someone post some apista pics plz i treied doing a search but gotnuthin.