Search results

  1. r2odie

    Two leathers, fish, LR F/S in WPB, FL area

    how much live rock do you have and what will you take for all of it? thanks.
  2. r2odie

    Anyone have Frog spawn

    GrouperGenius, how much are the blues and will you ship to 33463? thanks.
  3. r2odie


    I want these: Rainbow acan echinata SWEET COLORS!! $25 7. Small blue and purple $10 for 10 pm me your paypal info or how you want to be paid. i'm in south florida. thanks.
  4. r2odie

    Zoas for sale in FL

    I'm quite impressed, the zoos I got today were opening in the bag before I even got home and opened right up nice and bright in my tank! now I see you've added blue w/pink mouth beauties. I need some of those too! pm sent!
  5. r2odie

    Two ausie Tourquise Eye Acan frags for the taking.

    is that a picture of the actual frag?
  6. r2odie

    Zoas for sale in FL

    pm sent
  7. r2odie

    stuff for sale

    zoos and mushrooms pictures please. :)
  8. r2odie

    $5 Kenya frags and others (lower prices)

    the kenya looks like it is well attached to the plugs, just curious, what do you use? thanks.
  9. r2odie

    Flame Angel - Yes or No ??

    thanks. I've been looking around but haven't found any locally yet. heard they may be getting harder to get and more expensive?
  10. r2odie

    Flame Angel - Yes or No ??

    Originally Posted by Waterlogged If you roll the dice and get one and he doesn't work out, what will you do with him? I'm sure I could find another local reefer who would love him if I could trap him. Originally Posted by coachKLM make sure he is eating large amounts porportunate anyway...
  11. r2odie

    Flame Angel - Yes or No ??

    I have a 240 mixed reef with alot of zoos, soft corals, and some sps frags. I would like a flame angel but have heard many different opinions, pros & cons, and I know it actually depends on the individual fish, but.............should I or shouldn't I??
  12. r2odie

    Tons Of Coral For Sale Cheap Spent Over 10k For Them

    Yeah, we want some pictures! (please )
  13. r2odie

    Blue mushrooms in St Pete.

    are you interested in trading for some yellow polyps or kenya trees or colt coral?
  14. r2odie

    24g Aqua Pod Tanks 4 Sale.

    I'm quite interested but I'm in Palm Beach County. Ever venture over this way???
  15. r2odie

    24g Aqua Pod Tanks 4 Sale.

    If these are still available, can you send pics?
  16. r2odie

    frags for sell or trade

    I am interested in the clove polyps. send me your email address and I can send you pics, if you are interested, of yellow polyps, colt coral and kenya trees that I can trade.
  17. r2odie

    pricecheck: what would you pay for these

    Shrimpi, did you win them?? hope so, they're beautiful!
  18. r2odie

    Frag plugs

    hi. can you email me pics please.
  19. r2odie

    pricecheck: what would you pay for these

    Originally Posted by dmcrete i dont know what they are worth, BUT!!! i have a whole lot spreadin,, make me an offer if you want pics you will have to email me, at<<< i emailed you too! let me know!
  20. r2odie

    Iodine Dips

    I use the Tropic Marin also on any new sps I introduce.