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  1. blk822

    light spectrum and coral health

    I have 2 110 watt actinic URI bulbs and 2 110 watt white/actinic URI bulbs on a icecap. and I have 1 110 watt actinic and 1 110 watt white/actinic on a magnetic balist that I run just a few hours a day. All on a 75 gal tank works pretty good for me. I have read that the blue colors of the...
  2. blk822

    Water from the store

    Well I just found out I can buy water from my local store. Its from a machine..says its first uv filtered, then sed. filtered, then carbon,then membrane,then carbon again ,and finnaly uv again. Said it was a RO/DI water for .39 a gal. Sounds cheaper than buying a ro/di system and replacing...
  3. blk822

    OT: today is my b-day

    Well HAPPY son will be 2 on the 23rd.....can't wait.
  4. blk822

    new tank coming really soon

    Good news my brother got a 100 gl. acrylic with stand and hood for $200 from some guy .I'm trying to get him to take out his fresh water and sell it to me. I don't think it will work .
  5. blk822

    tank monster

    I have seen similar ones in puget sound...but gray in color. I have seen them as big as 5 inches long. They are definetly armored....kinda prehistoric looking.
  6. blk822

    Not Happy about order

    I'd like to now where you got it also....I have ordered from SWF severale times now and have always had really good luck. Or just a good product. I was alittle let down with the florida live rock though......not much on it.
  7. blk822

    My anemone split

    How long have you had this anenome and how long did it take to complete the split?
  8. blk822

    Clams Galore!

    stay clam
  9. blk822

    bristles in the light..

    I have brave bristle worms they come out when the lights are on. I think they may be getting low on a food source or something. T really don't know why they come out with the lights on but they do alot.....any ideas??
  10. blk822

    I.D. please..

    Well this brown stuff appeard on my rock a while ago but never grew. I moved it so it could get alittle light and it started to grow. I then move it again to more light and now it grows pretty fast and I notice very small tenticles out on it sometimes. It is fuzzy and brown , any help would be...
  11. blk822

    keep ur comments to ur self!

    Shop lights are greta also if you like to get shocked..heheheheee
  12. blk822

    Cigarette Smoke??

    If your worried about adding snails and havingthem die then you should definatly use the drip method for acclimating you critters. I have high nitrates and if I drip accl. everything seems to live and stay alive. And is also more active after release.
  13. blk822

    bristle worms

    I used a baby food jar with a x cut in the top with some tuna in it..and they would crawl in at night to get the tuna and cant get out...use tuna in water only..not oil. And you have to open up the x alittle.
  14. blk822

    Anemone for Clown FISH

    Carpet will sting what ever it touches...And usually even if it gets away it will die. And it will eat tangs....the longer it hasn't eaten the bigger the meal it can lest this is how it is with mine.
  15. blk822

    day 2 with blue carpet

    I just moved mine yesterday and it had a foot in about an hour....I had to use a spatula to get it off the bottom of the tank. I only moved it about 10 inchs but its a realy happy carpet.
  16. blk822

    Hungry tangs!

    plain lettuse dosn't have all the vitamins and protiens and stuff like that , that they need to live a heatlhy life.
  17. blk822

    thinkin about a blue ringed octopus for my nano

    I thought that I had seen it all when I saw a guy trying to bag coral cats with his bare hand at deathco.......:confused:
  18. blk822

    Watts up?

    I use URI vho's 3 actinic and 3 white actinic...I have some soft corals now but I have had Hard corals do great under them befor..I had a tri color acro that did great but died during a move. I just havn't gotten any hard corals yet sence move. But I do have a large carpet thats been alive for...
  19. blk822

    ID on a clam

    Thanks very much...and I wish the pics showed the gold lightening bolts it has....they show up different on the pic.
  20. blk822

    remove bristleworm

    To get that thing out will only take about a minute or less . If you have something on the rock you want to protect then hold it out of the water..}:o):groucho: