I have a 75 gal. with 6 110 watt vho's and I usually only run 4 of them and everything I have grows great ...I was told that you only need about 5.6 watts per gal......wrong?
I received this clam from my brother 2 years ago and have never know what knid it was ,CAn anyone ID buy photos. And should it be on rock or sand.....It really likes it on the rock and if it stays in the same spot for a long time it will attach...
Has anyone had any problems with Ocean Nutrition ..Prime Reef.. Flake food I just bought some and would like to know if there is anything I need to watch for..THANKS
I live with in 30 miles of the pacific in washington state. I have thought about useing water from the beach but I am worried about contaminates and picking up something in the water that may be harmful to my tank. Plus this is a cold water area and all the things i nour reef set ups are...
I did a water change today due to Nitrates being high. I tested my tap water and it was at 40 ppm. I have to use tap for now due to lack of funds to get a RO/DI unit at this time. But I do use a three stage filter with sediment filter and a med. grade carbon filter and a higher grade...
my return is on opposite end from over flow and under the overflow i have one pointed down at an angle to cover the middle and keep a circular current . My return flow just barely breaks the surface , stirs in just alittle air.
If its on top of your tanks water you may not have enogh water curculation . I keep my return pointed up to stir the surface water and keep it all mixed so it has a chance to get through the overflow and into the sump . Then in there my bio filt. and protein skimmer can handle it.