remove bristleworm


There is a bristleworm over 12" long in a large rock that is in a 6 gallon.I am transfering the rock to a 20 gallon and want to take the worm out.Any ideas? And no i dont want to keep it. Thanks


Active Member
12" in a 6g tank? WoW!
Most of the time you can just set some food in a corner and when it comes out to take it; take a pair of tongs and grab it.
Beware: they are VERY strong so get a good grip on it.
If you miss, it may not come back out for months.
There are many ways but try this first IMO, ;)


fresh water dip will dring it out right away and then you can get it. Cook it with some lemon and garlic on the bar b q ,with a side of rice....}:eek:)
Dont take my idea on this unless other people say it is a good on. Not sure if it would work or if it is a bad idea or not but...
try leaving the rock out of water for awhile. I know i had taken out a rock to scrub the algae off it. And the bristle worms came out while the rock was out of water for awhile. I ended up just chucking the rock cause it was smal and i didnt want it back inthe tank after i found that many b. worms in it.
there are traps that you can buy, but i WOULDNT waste the $$. have tried removing one with tongs, but it is true.....they are very stong and we had it rip off. the fresh water dip works, or if all else fails......bash it open with a hammer!
lol good can also try it on the BBQ with some cajun spices:thinking:


make sure you burn off the bristles with the open flame first..They will make your mouth feel really funny


To get that thing out will only take about a minute or less . If you have something on the rock you want to protect then hold it out of the water..}:eek:):groucho:


I dont know what else is on the rock. I assume there is things on it that I cant see. I will do the freshwater dip . Thanks