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  1. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    all my rock came from this site,very happy with it..
  2. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    more testing today and here is what i got. ph is still 7.8 amm is .25 nitrite dropped to 0 nitrate is at 20 for the second day. and here is a updated pic.i changed the rock work a little,there is now more caves and its opened up a little more in the back.
  3. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    i think a smaller fish could swim through the back wall and the rock work and through some of the center.
  4. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    Originally Posted by Rotarymagic Put more caves and openings in the rocks and keep them off the back wall to increase circulation in the tank... definitely some cool pieces in there thouh.. you cant really tell but there is alot of caves throughout the rock work and there is alot of openings...
  5. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    woohoo page 2
  6. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    Originally Posted by Fireykat04 Looks good with the added rocks. .Patience is the key. You're off to a great start. thanks!im really in no hurry..
  7. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    i did the ammonia test again to get my gf's opinion on the color she says that its .25 so its coming down anyway.
  8. abaralnek

    Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

    your tank looks very nice..
  9. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    tested the waters again today and here is what i got. ph-been a consistent 7.8 amm dropped to 0 nitrite is still at .25 nitrate is between 10 and 20 i was surprised to see the ammonia drop to 0 already,could my cycle really be going this fast?
  10. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    i dont think ive seen any i havent liked,lol..
  11. abaralnek

    Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary

    looks really nice man..
  12. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    sweet!!must the tank be nice and established or can i start adding these type of things once the cycle is over?
  13. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    are zoanthid's something i can keep with the stock lighting?i don't plan on upgrading the light setup.
  14. abaralnek

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    sweet!!cant wait to get some color in my tank..
  15. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    i have a couple rocks like that.will it eventually be gone or is it going to stay that way?
  16. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    hey guys what is this growing on my rock?
  17. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    Originally Posted by nissan577 congrats! take pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill be sure to,as soon as something changes.
  18. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    thanks guys.there is enough room to clean the glass..
  19. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    just did my testing and here are the results salinity=1.025 ph=7.8 amm=.50 nitrite=.25 nitrate=10
  20. abaralnek

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    sounds like a sweet deal..