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  1. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    The main tank is starting to come around my friend gave me a good size colony of her bubblegum Mille for free it's has a great polyps extension and hopefully it do well in my tank Some quick iPhone quality picture
  2. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    Thank you I am hoping my large personifer pulls through
  3. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    I am so bummed today as I loss my friend personifer angel and mine was not eating aggressively :( For some reason I can't keep expensive fish but they one supposed to waste away does well Trio of moorish idol bought and introduce all at different times few weeks ago Pencil wrasse Cheap...
  4. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    After few weeks in my Fowlr I transfer a pair of blue lined rabbitfish, pair of foxface,pair of Vlamingi tang last night I even go stung ( ouch ) vinegar helps Will have picture updated later on today or tomorrow
  5. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    Thank you For acropora metal halide is still best for color and growth Specially if you supplement with LEDs But I can't afford to have 2000+ watts on lights alone plus non stop chiller during the summer. T5 have a best spread but cost too much bulbs every month plus it looks dull compared to...
  6. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    Thank you I actually turn down the red LEDs and the red on post production to make it realistic Some people will say its much brighter in person :)
  7. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    quick picture
  8. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    Thanks Gemmy I have the pair of cleaners for more than a year now The last successful one that I had was 4-5 years old until a velvet wipe the whole tank out
  9. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    I used to have 6 pairs of clown wituput major issues but they get territorial, getting big and constantly biting me so I sold them Now I have 4 black and white and the 1 occelaris still bites me every time I get close to the anemone.
  10. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    After a painful mistake on over reacting on bleach leaching that leads to STNing my pearl of the pacific and losing my favorite acro ( efflo ) from excessive dipping Here is my tank right now. I move some piece when I take some off while dipping Also create a spot for bill acropora colony...
  11. bullitr

    Not happy with my tank

    Chloramines are really deadly for acropora check your city water if they add chloramines in your city's tap water in needs massive amount of carbon to remove it. Also For the life of me I can't keep Xenia happy :( I will give you colonies of neon GSP as its one of few soft corals that growing...
  12. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    someone request
  13. bullitr

    Not happy with my tank

    SPS are very temperamental I have some STN on my tank too on on colony no bugs are anything it just does. How's your alkalinity ? Stable and dont change? Do you have chloramine in your city water? My mentors tank crash because of chloramines
  14. bullitr

    Tank Reincarnation

    I bought my camera few years ago for $ 500 from a friend that includes few cheap lenses and accesorries It's a canon t1i eventually I want a canon mark 1 when things gets better financially. Btw I love the lemonpeel it reminds me of my mentors 18 years old lemonpeel.