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  1. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    I save it from Wholesaler it was RTN when I got it couple of weeks ago
  2. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    It's more pink than the picture
  3. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    Some of the acropora and anemone thats color up really well under my main tank All acropora taken under 10 k LEDs rogue Millepora My Tri color and purple with blue tips tenius My anemone collection
  4. bullitr


    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef That's interesting. Especially the flame angel, because they're hermaphroditic and it's almost impossible to determine their sex. SWF mom very nice one of my favorite very under value my friend have 18 years old lemonpeel and still being pass on to many...
  5. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    10 k this tank is mostly chalice, acans , Zoa and few SPS So the bluer the better. I am very impress on swc 160 cone skimmer it removes all the junk in few hours .
  6. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    The light will be 23 blues ,6 whites, 6 violets,one reds the rest is extra that I might put on my main tank and swap out the whites
  7. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    I will need 2 Ai or Radeons but it's not in the budge so I bought a DIY kit to try it out and hopefully swap out some of the bulbs in my main tank too. my order 30 blues 6 whites 15 ultra violet 5 red 2 dimmable ballast Heat sink and fan. The stand will have 2 removable large door for easy...
  8. bullitr

    Kiefers UPDATED 56G REEF!

    looks very nice!
  9. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    The tank stand back bone needs to waterproof add more marine plywood before I put on the skin The tank cycling the live rocks The skimmer should be here tomorrow and TUNZE will hidden in the rocks. It will be lit with LEDs
  10. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    I want to cement it with marine cement but it's too expensive for a small amount But I bought 4 oz of reef epoxy Instead Also i started on my stand hopefully it will be done by Monday
  11. bullitr

    lost my wrasse

    Sorry to hear i really like mine too and it always died in my tank maybe because of the shallow sand (less than 1/2") they don't do well but I still have two .the longest one I have right now is only 10 months old.
  12. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers Beautiful set up! My wife and I want an in wall set up in our next house. Very Hakuna Matata!! Makes my 56 look like a pico tank Lol! I am building a 30x30x20 lee mar rimless He is the rockscape
  13. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    Quote: Originally Posted by smallreef is it a chisletooth wrasse??? It's a yellow tail tamarin i also have the red tail tamarin that looks very similar except the tail.
  14. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    My new favorite is finally in the display
  15. bullitr

    Tiffany's 400G build thread

    very nice but why is it too loud ?
  16. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    the zoa got shock from too much lights in my tank since the PAR in the store is probably around 60 and 260 i but n my tank the bright blue color is not as bright after 2 day under 14k LEDs lights
  17. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    my new very bright zoa blue body, green skirts, yellow ring and orange mouth few frags of rogue millepora
  18. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    thanks guys
  19. bullitr

    my 435 gallon tank in wall see through upgrade

    btw the floor is done