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  1. fishstick4sale

    New Fragin Project.

    thanks yeap its an awesome rack i have
  2. fishstick4sale

    New Fragin Project.

    i dont have a testkit for phosphates ill get one and a phosphate remover
  3. fishstick4sale

    New Fragin Project.

    nitrates r like almost at 0. i was using tap water for my top offs i messed up now i cant get rid of it. water changes i do 7gallons every week everything is flawless coral look super healthy and fish too just this stinkin hair.its not bad only n 4 spots only. someone told me emerald crabs love...
  4. fishstick4sale

    New Fragin Project.

    my tank is 30 gallons any ideas please help about the hair :(
  5. fishstick4sale

    Coral ID.

    the guy at the LFS told me its a very expensive piece has tiny lil tenticles inside that move around.
  6. fishstick4sale

    New Fragin Project.

    NEW frag rack started fragin for the first time.
  7. fishstick4sale

    BEST sandcleaner?

    what snails would be the best to clean the sand an have it looking white an nice.
  8. fishstick4sale

    colorful fish for reef tank (asap)

    omg dont get no damsel those r the worst tank mates and chromis i hate all chromis family fish may look nice but assholes to others in the tank. BTW DAMN FREAKIN BEAUTIFUL TANK PIC WHOEVERS TANK THAT IS
  9. fishstick4sale


    so im at my LFS and the guys in there said a seahare would not feed on hairalgae but everyone says they will? i have a serious hair algae problem now and i know i can take the seahare back if he finishes up the hair algae so my question is does and will he work to eat all my algae.. i know what...
  10. fishstick4sale

    New 24g Nano.... Tell me what you think

    CUC is Clean Up Crew lol. not cucumber. those r the hermits, snails, and shrimp... by food me means waste an other stuff they can feed on. when he asked about lighting hes refering to like the watts PC lights or metal halides an stuff, it looks sweet though 3weeks! thats fast an u have so much...
  11. fishstick4sale

    BioCube questions?

    i do mine once a month, and my filter 1nce a week i hit it with a pressure wash an blows everything off
  12. fishstick4sale

    Insane fish...

    i went out today an caught one, hes in my tank now looks awesome just got to keep my ph at 12.4
  13. fishstick4sale

    First tank starting up! (pics)

    wow your rock work looks amazing, +1 on that rock looks sweet. 4-6inches?? thats a ton of sand
  14. fishstick4sale

    check it out~~my 14 gal as I add coral

    lol, sorry bout ur fish . i hate losing fish i was soo sad when i seen my randalls goby on the floor, i guess he slept walked out the tank an didnt realize it or slept jumped i woke up and he was there on the floor smh :( i gave him cpr with water i did voodoo i hit him with 110volts across the...
  15. fishstick4sale

    newbie questions

    water changes dont stress fish in my opinion just scares them cuz were messin around an stirring stuff up, unless u have a sump, i think of it as getting a batch of fresh air new water nomore pissy doodoo swimmin water for them...if your mixing your own make sure u use r/o water to cut down on...
  16. fishstick4sale

    think i have an issue =(

    those dont hide much, they usually stay out but sit on a rock or a coral mine died becuz his mouth was too tiny and i tried throwing in food but it was too big then i started choppin it up but by then it was too late. he might be hiding if not a shrimp mayb got him! i dont know i would wait it...
  17. fishstick4sale

    Please help...

    can some1 tell me the difference and benefits of each light? i need to buy 1 actinic
  18. fishstick4sale

    Insane fish...
  19. fishstick4sale

    Adding LiveRock Question

    i think the spike hes talking about is like the ammonia it will jump from .0 to mayb 0.1-0.5 minor spikes but then settle down. or some severe spikes of 1.0+ im assume.
  20. fishstick4sale

    Adding LiveRock Question

    LR sheesh getting hot in this one here lol. LR that isnt cured will always spike your tank a tad or a ton depending on the stage of the rock am i right? follow me? cured rock is, well cured has gone through all the stages an if introduced to a tank wouldnt cause or cause that much of a spike am...