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  1. fishstick4sale

    newbie questions

    2 blue leds keeps that moon effect. i leave my main light on from 10am-7pm but i dont have problems we say cut down on yours alot because u have to rid of ur problems. then u can start cutting them up as u improve water quality and so on... i know its tough sometimes you just wanna see the fish...
  2. fishstick4sale

    newbie questions

    by big light u mean your main tank light right? i would cut down on that alot thats 10 hours of light. remember coral only need about 4-6 hours. for ur tank ill treat the easy stuff first and it takes 2 days to be gone the redslime and a waterchange after those 2 days. next is your ich theres...
  3. fishstick4sale

    My 36g Bowfront Build

    real nice stand man, looks sweet the tank set up is awesome
  4. fishstick4sale

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    man what kinda camera do u have sheesh. lol spec on the camera cuz ur tank pics r beautiful and i love the nemos they r pretty
  5. fishstick4sale

    Adding LiveRock Question

    yea u will get some spikes, also if your adding coral an plan to add a ton u will add pounds as coral pieces come on rocks so your addin more LR as u add coral too.
  6. fishstick4sale

    Filamented Flasher Wrasse

    perc. clowns (nemo) r always a great addition to any tank they dont hide at all 6line is a great addition too they dont hide plus they can benefit the tank also some 6lines r known to pick at and eat flatworms. a fire goby is nice too i have one doesnt hide much at all my flasher wrasse is...
  7. fishstick4sale

    ATS for BC

    huh? what does this do?
  8. fishstick4sale

    swimmer4uus's Nanowave 9 project

    check out this link here to upgrade the venting.
  9. fishstick4sale

    newbie questions

    thats up to u also, coral i was told only need 4-6 hours of light.. some people leave there lights on all day sheesh. mine i leave mine on for 8 hours aday 30 minutes of those 8 r nothiing but actinic to get that sunrise sunset look.
  10. fishstick4sale

    newbie questions

    i agree with nissan and others here. remove the damsels those r only good to start a tank in my opinion they r too aggressive and believe me i turned my tank upside down catchin those punks i had. they bullied my fish around an chased them. :( second for the redslime if you want to speed it up...
  11. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    fcatch what light do u have in the back where the fans r? i have a 50/50 back there an its super bright in the back of my tank even the back chambers r lit
  12. fishstick4sale


    isnt that red slime? get redslime remover from your lfs if that is redslime. i had it once dosed the tank an wallah all gone
  13. fishstick4sale

    Clowns layed eggs

    congrats man most likely they will die if u cant take them out, they will b eating and some blown around an sucked into ur filtration
  14. fishstick4sale

    Starfish ripped apart?

    i did a 20 minute temp acclimation on my star an tossed him in lol. people always say take hours and drips and stuff iono i do all my stuff this way and they end up fine ofcourse i take out 1 cup of water and then add in my water wait 10 minutes do it one more time then pop them in. success...
  15. fishstick4sale

    Starfish ripped apart?

    it was the coral banded i bet, those things r a nightmare they hunt ur fish at night people say they dont but they do especially when super hungry and they cant find enough food, so do those stinkin camel shrimp one ate my lil redstarfish he was in pieces... i dont know anything about those...
  16. fishstick4sale

    Parasite indentification

    thats why they say never push while pooping u can poop out ur guts, i doubt thats a parasite mayb just a serious case of the runs. or could be a Threadworm Threadworms are internal fish that sometimes emerge from the fish's anus. This parasitic infestation can be fatal if not treated in time...
  17. fishstick4sale

    How do i calibrate my PH meter

    yea it just has a lil screw to calibrate. where can i buy the solution
  18. fishstick4sale

    Could use some help

    yea and post pics of the tank all around and what it has and everything.
  19. fishstick4sale

    What is your water temp?

    80 all day