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  1. fishstick4sale

    CUC Questions

    try 2 of each but u dont need that starfish, and arrow crab. you dont need the cleaner shrimp either. but you can keep it. 12gallons is small so u dont need alot.
  2. fishstick4sale


    i was wondering if an admin was here ibeen a member for a few weeks like 2-3. and i was wondering if an admin can assist me in helping me figure out how to pm people it keeps saying im restricted and some people tell me i should have pm'd them instead of posting trying to find them :(
  3. fishstick4sale

    29G up and cycling!

    mayb they see u coming, with their night vision goggles! iono tank looks really good, cant wait to see ur new LR set up.
  4. fishstick4sale

    Saving my Precious coral...

    i posted this pic on 2/19/2009, i talked to the guy at the lfs he said it will be around 6 months until hes fully healed, sheesh since i upgraded my lights the coral respond much better they are much brighter and they r just lookin really good. even my damaged piece looks like hes responding...
  5. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    i did it catch looks like it came that way just lined up holes and marked them and drilled looks real nice. thanks catch for the idea
  6. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    TY! im doin that now i didnt think about it everything will fit perfect the 4 holes that hold my new shield in that held my old shield will b my guide line.
  7. fishstick4sale

    water heater question.

    those little suction cups that come with all heaters
  8. fishstick4sale

    Hermit Crab: dead or molting?

    glad to hear it, sad to see anything die even those lil hermits.
  9. fishstick4sale

    water heater question.

    i want to put my water heater in one of the back chambers? my question is if it touches plastic in the back would it melt it? my little sticky things dont stick anymore an right now its been held by my LR so does it get hot to where it can melt stuff if it was touching .
  10. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    catch can u post pics of your install with the old sheild?
  11. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    how can i used the old ones?
  12. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

    hmm my coral seem to loook super mad healthy like the extra lights is makin them sparkle
  13. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

    2 of my bulbs r old and their weak im getting new bulbs this weeknd ill post a pic with all new bulbs in
  14. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

    finished the fan upgrades were not worth the extra bucks i stuck to my old fans much much quieter. yea kinda mad but its ok live an learn new lights worth the bucks? yea i would say so
  15. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

  16. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

    so wats new in ur tank nissan?
  17. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

    yea lol pulled out the stop watch and started clocking
  18. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

    ty nissan i was F*(*(* pissed he was one of my first fish, and putting these lights in were a pain.. . freakin upgrade but it was worth it my coral look freakin amazing they opened up in like 10 minutes flat all of them. i felt a tear coming out spotting him lifeless on the floor, cuz i didnt...
  19. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

    lighting is much brighter and intense, but the fans r loud and annoying. going to keep my old fans... also since my lid was off lastnight my randalls goby jumped out found him on the carpet
  20. fishstick4sale

    NEW lighting upgrade project..

    welp i got my 4.36 lighting system for my biocube 29gallon and i started working on it, ill post some more pics befor and after. i will tell you guys if the upgrade was worth the bucks. ill give some detail later on tomorrow. heres the progress so far.. new power supply for the the new lights is...