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  1. fishstick4sale

    yipeee- I got my new zoos today!!

    wow amazing color please post pics when they open up
  2. fishstick4sale

    New 14 gal BioCube

    no no always good to get a heater, at night when lights r off is when temps drop in everytank.
  3. fishstick4sale

    Ugh, all fish died

    i dunno.. ill see wah i can find
  4. fishstick4sale

    can i frag this??

    can this be fragged?? and if so yes.... how
  5. fishstick4sale

    Detane's NANOWAVE 9 project

    the lights in that 9gallon what r they? 2 36watt? or 2 24watt?.. by the way i ordered one. lol and i will b ordering a chiller
  6. fishstick4sale

    coral frag pieces..

    i was at my local hardware store today homedepot and i couldnt find theh egg crate stuff some people didnt know what it was. wat department is it under plumbing? flooring wall? paint?
  7. fishstick4sale

    Ugh, all fish died

    hmm 5-6 gallons a week thats what i change out and you still have high nitrates, i dont use no skimmer im over my bio and i have tons of coral so its kinda odd how much nitrate u put out still... it could possibly be your test kit also that isnt accurate and something else may have happened have...
  8. fishstick4sale

    coral frag pieces..

    is there a site with pics to show how to cut frag pieces and the proper care and stuff?
  9. fishstick4sale

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    looks good nissan, u have tons of coralline algae
  10. fishstick4sale

    Ugh, all fish died

    VERY IMPORTANT... if u dont like the sound of that water falling... fill it up with more SALTWATER mine is filled up to the top ignore that stinking full line just fill up. that noise is annoying nothing is affected by adding more SW to the tank just fill it up to the top keep it about 1 inch...
  11. fishstick4sale

    Ugh, all fish died

    how often did u feed? u dont need a skimmer for a 30gallon at all, im way over stock i have 6 fishes each 1.5 inches long and plan on adding another and i still get low readings on nitrates right befor a water change and after im back to .0 how many gallons did u change out? and when u mixed ur...
  12. fishstick4sale

    Ugh, all fish died

    i disagree i had more problems with bioball than rubble in the back chanmbers, when i do water changes i pour it in the back chambers and the water pouring in miixes up the garbage in the back chambers an it cleans it, also snails get into the back chambers and eat all that stuff up. they cant...
  13. fishstick4sale

    Ugh, all fish died

    did u do water changes and if u did water changes where did u get ur water and does the LFS sale sea water or do they mix their own? or did u mix ur own water? how often did u do water changes? and for ur bio balls in the back did u leave them? i removed mine bio balls become a nitrate factory...
  14. fishstick4sale

    Completely lost some1 please explain....

    one more question... since the 50/50 is a total of 36watts wouldnt a solid 36watt daylight and 1 solid actinic 36watt penetrate deeper than 2 50/50 36watt PC totalling 72watts. because that one 36watt daylight is a solid and so is the actinic 36watt. and those 2 50/50 r 2 18watts daylight sides...
  15. fishstick4sale


    u dont want a tank that small unless your truely limited in space reason why is u will have alot of temp drops and rises because its much easier to drop the temp in something thats 1 gallon then to something thats 30... unless your room is very stable in temp.. but yea its completely up to u and...
  16. fishstick4sale


    for the money just buy a complete cube, the money u will invest and time in a tank that needs to be put together u will spend as much or more on it. buy a cube and get going on the spot. no waiting to buy parts and findin out what fits and all that money u spend will add up to a cube. :)
  17. fishstick4sale

    Hermit Crab: dead or molting?

    nothing will happen to ur tank other hermits and shrimp will find him an eat him up in a sec i wouldnt worry about it.. do u see any empty shells anywhere? mayb just molted if your temp dropped and others werent affected then he probably isnt dead those lil guys r tough as a nail.
  18. fishstick4sale

    Completely lost some1 please explain....

    kk great thanks for the help
  19. fishstick4sale


    i see people building frag racks what r they for? more coral to b in the tank or something? or just to pick off and place in spots but u can only have so much coral... also where can i buy the rack so i can DIY
  20. fishstick4sale

    Completely lost some1 please explain....

    ah ok, that 50/50 puts out 36watts total meaning the actinic is 18watts and the daylight is 18watts also put together on one socket = 36watts... and 1daylight 36watt and a actinic 36watt puts out a total of 72.. so to be honest whats brighter in a tank 2 50/50 PC or 1 actinic and 1 daylight...