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  1. fishstick4sale

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    ok emailed u
  2. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    o ok lol :)! do they have to be high or low?
  3. fishstick4sale

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    hob fuge? can u link me to it please
  4. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    i want clams
  5. fishstick4sale

    IM new here....

    chaeto? where can i buy? any kind of light will do? it has to b under water correct? any watts will do? 5 - 10 - 20?
  6. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    so the upgrade is worth it? some people told it was waste of money and nothing was going to change unless i went straight for metal halides. but i just need to hear it from the man himself if he said more coral can b added that need more light and it makes the coral i have now even more happier...
  7. fishstick4sale

    IM new here....

    that green lil grass he had in that cup what is that? he said he had a 5watt light... this is what i was planning to do but a small 6in 10watt light and put it on my back chamber is where my LV is and have that running on the same timer as my fishtanklights and have a small fuge in the back to...
  8. fishstick4sale

    My 24g Aqua Pod

    congrats man i wish i can upgrade it cost to much 400+ for my aquarium from nanotuners they have a custom one :(.. but nice and great upgrade u will be happy.
  9. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    i read he said he had clams! in there just off PCs thats amazing.
  10. fishstick4sale

    IM new here....

    detritus?? whats that
  11. fishstick4sale

    fcatch76 member question for u...

    :( whats sps
  12. fishstick4sale

    IM new here....

    thanks man i love this forum everyone is cool and its full of people. i have 2 PC lights 1 10,000k daylight 36watt and 1 actnic 36watt. in the back i removed the bioballs and added 5 pounds of liverock i dont like bioballs. and one wet and dry filter removed carbon and just use the cotton to...
  13. fishstick4sale

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    i own an oceanic biocube 29gallons, have about 40lbs of liverock alot but works amazing coral thrive even hair algae thrives lol. my fault its almost all gone now, 1 inch of livesand and ill post pics of what i have but i posted a thread already here ya go...
  14. fishstick4sale

    I got my new 6 gal bio cube!!!!

    i like your rock set up looks good man
  15. fishstick4sale

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    1 year this month and running.... add me to the list lol
  16. fishstick4sale

    hlcroghan's 29 gallon thread......

    what you want to do is make sure u fill up your tank with more saltwater all the way up so it slides in not waterfall in, you dont want those bubbles generating in your tank like that it can get into ur fishes gills and damage them, though it will oxygenate your water u still dont want any...
  17. fishstick4sale

    IM new here....

    sailfin tang, not recommended for a 30gallon nano, may b stressed alot and die but i have super friendly tank mates and keep water changes high 20% change every week.
  18. fishstick4sale

    IM new here....

    ok cleaned it all off looks good :) now nomore top offs with tap water nothing but r/o from now on. hey nano newbie what kinda lighting do u have?
  19. fishstick4sale

    IM new here....

    that stinkin camel shrimp just a huge headache