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  1. cabin7882

    Well I went to the fish store today!

    Yup dead rock or coral can be seeded from LR!! My lfs always told me to start the base witht the dead cheaper stuff and then pile the live on top! It will all eventually beome alive! Believe it or not I started my salt tank not knowing anything and put a bunch of BS in there including a castle...
  2. cabin7882

    Protien Skimmer Prblems O_o

    I heard u can put a thin sock or nylon on the end of the out put tube? or u cna buy a bubble trap. that happened to me with the bak pak but it just went away after a few days. good luck!
  3. cabin7882

    glass anemone question

    ugh I'll trade ya I got a ton of aiptasia! can u just take the rock out and do a fresh water rinse? or u can try to pick it off but get ALL of it with tweezers? good luck do not let it spread! I didnt' know what they were at first but now know what a PIA they are LOL
  4. cabin7882

    red legged hairy hermits!

    well least all I have are fish and inverts and plenty of aiptasia! Hopefully he'll go for them! I do want to do corals soon but need to get rid of aiptasia and upgrade my lights first! thanks!
  5. cabin7882

    red legged hairy hermits!

    Oh geez thanks for the info! I will look it up! So I put some new bigger shells in there and he already moved into one in 1 day! and my shrimp molted and I haven't even had him for a week that's good right?
  6. cabin7882

    red legged hairy hermits!

    So does anyone have any of these? If so what are they good for if not aiptasia?
  7. cabin7882

    Is this the ultimate dream reef aquarium or what??

    wow!! that's absolutely beautiful!!
  8. cabin7882

    red legged hairy hermits!

    OK well either way he is definitely big and cool looking! His shell is 2 1/2 inches long! he is no lil hermit! LOL I don't think he'll pick on the smaller hermits, some of there shells are smaller than this guys claw! I will get Joe's juice and keep them under control and just hope my 3...
  9. cabin7882

    Shrimp Compatibility w/Fish

    Yeah they say 24-25 is good for all!
  10. cabin7882

    red legged hairy hermits!

    I just got one cause my lfs said he may eat some of my aiptasia! yay! I hope it works but he is big and I'm wondering 2 things? Do I need larger shells for him to change into? Do I need to worry about him digging holes in the sand bed? I have 3 narcicus snails? sorry spelling I suck LOL TIA
  11. cabin7882

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Isn't this forum for aquarium questions? Get a life and if u don't like smokers don't hang out with them? We obviously know the facts about it and what do u expect its very additicting! Actually I'm smoking one for u right now LOL
  12. cabin7882

    Cloudy tank?

    thanks a bunch! I just added a turbo snail, 2 peppermints and a hairy red legged hermit could that be why? I'm waiting on my calium test to be delived along with a refractometer so I will check when I get it! I did notice my powerhead blowing microbubbles into the tank and I thought that was...
  13. cabin7882

    Peppermint Shrimp Deaths

    I was having the same problem!! tons of aiptasia and an't keep peppermint shrimp alive!! ahhh. So I said [hr] it I'm gonna try again! So I bought 1 a few weeks ago and low and behold he is still alive!! I really think it had something to do with how long u drip them! So I bought 2 more and a...
  14. cabin7882

    Cloudy tank?

    What would cause my tank to all of a sudden get cloudy? what should I test for? I bought a gal of RO water from my lfs to top off with but I think it may have been pre mix salt with a different kind of salt? do u think that's what happened? TIA
  15. cabin7882

    Aiptasia...why so bad?

    Yup going to get 2 more peppermint cause I have way too many aip's for 1 to take care of!! aaahhhh! tried some stuff other than joe;s cause LFS didn't have any and let's just say it made them look dead for 12 hours and then they came back so we have been pulling a few off here and there with...
  16. cabin7882

    Is this light good?

    it says they have polished aluminum reflector independant power switches moisture resistant uv filtering lens adjustable stands so what light combo do I get if this is my only light source? TIA Tara
  17. cabin7882

    Is this light good?

    Light fixture: Finnex 4-T5 HO bulbs Electronic ballasts Moisture resistant UV filtering lens choice of bulb combination: 6500k, 10000k, andactinic bulbs 156 watts total I have a 46 gal bowfront No corals yet but looking to get some soon! Please help I really need to get some better lights but...
  18. cabin7882

    Do aptasia sting the fish?

    I'm wondering cause I have a major infestation of them! I just bought some stuff to inject them and they shriviled up but now they are back and just brown? I put a peppermint in there but have yet to see him or any damage to the aptasia. Can I just pluck them off??? Help they are driving me and...
  19. cabin7882

    Need help buying new lights!

    Thanks a bunch! What about an anenome that needs real powerful light right?
  20. cabin7882

    Show your clownfish hosting

    Sula what is your clown hosting in I love it!