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  1. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    ill be fine......if i run into a problem there is a nice little place down the street from my house called the florida aquarium that will openly take a donation.......and if i wanted to get smoked with opinions on whether or not i should get a tessa i would have asked......
  2. d0ch0liday

    #$%^&* tessa just ate the lion....

    why did i put a green moray with a tesse.......or why a mexican dragon with a tesse..... because for sure they might kill each other........well they haven't........ you should realize stocking is not always exact.......
  3. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    it all depends on the fish......most will tell you no.....but i am getting ready to put a green moray in my tank ill let you know how it works out for me
  4. d0ch0liday

    Tesselata Moray only aquarium

    Originally Posted by DAVE_15 what would be the smallest possible aquarium for one of these beauties. i heard that docholiday had a tesse, zebra and dragon in a 60 till he upgraded... Please give the minimum size for a tesse only would be the only fish in there. Thankz just...
  5. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    dave a.... mexican dragon, a zebra,a large snowkflake....i mean big, a frimbriated moray may work to from what i hear....... ophiura......the trigger is in a tank by himself.....he is a titan so he hates everything :happyfish
  6. d0ch0liday

    #$%^&* tessa just ate the lion....

    it wa only 15 bucks down the drain i just hate killing animals i feel responsible....
  7. d0ch0liday

    #$%^&* tessa just ate the lion....

    -#$&*............... ......... my tessa ate the lionfish i put into mt tank 5 days ago it was a fuzzy dwarf....does anyone know if my tessa is going to be ok......i am real tessa is my speacial boy....if he dies i am going to shoot my self........
  8. d0ch0liday

    lion fish

    hey guys what else can i use to try and get my darf to eat... i jave had him for 4 days and he still will not this nirmal.....he seems fine.....but i am worried......
  9. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    :notsure: it depends ehst elde you sre putting in each eel has its quarks......let me know what else you plan to put in
  10. d0ch0liday

    Some more new pics!!

    thanks....victory is mine....... .....your defense looked good by the way
  11. d0ch0liday

    Florida or close to it

    Originally Posted by NYyankeees I'm in St. Marys, GA about 30-40 mins N of Jax. Saint mary's the cheapest place to get gas in the us.....i am in tampa
  12. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    ill send some pics to answer some of the questions.......also how can i do a blue background.....what should i use.....Dude the eels will will be cool they are happy and well fed the filtration is more then excellent.......i will upgrade when i think they need it.......i know 15 to 30 more...
  13. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    there are 2 old pics in the bunch but here are the rest
  14. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    ok this might take 3 posts....not sure i took alot of pics.......i wish i could show you video because it was nuts feeding them tonight....i hope the picks look savage tessa tassmo apollagizes in advance for not bring as violent as he can be, but he does not like shrimp......oh i...
  15. d0ch0liday

    Tonga cleaner wrasse.... Tessalata eel

    well then i am going to keep looking
  16. d0ch0liday

    Some more new pics!!

    Whats Dante going to do with out..........Randy???.......hmmmmm i do not know maybe get sacked or maybe this will be his game face :help:
  17. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    Originally Posted by carshark yeah i want to see the EELS in action those look like some mean dudes.. awesome ok also looked like the cleaner shrimp was cleaning them, but where did he go? lol made an expensive treat didnt it? you want me to get some pics of them raping and pillaging...
  18. d0ch0liday

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    Originally Posted by Mimzy What have you named your eels? :jumping: How big/old are they? :jumping: Can we get a full tank shot? Tassmo is my tessa.........Valentine is my mexican dragon......and my zebra is named after the big orange monster in David bowie's the labyrinth....Loudo Tassmo...
  19. d0ch0liday

    Tonga cleaner wrasse.... Tessalata eel

    hey is 17 dollars a good price for 1 neon goby?..... they are small as !-#$! and thats alot for that fish