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  1. ty_05_f

    new additions + sps id?

    If im not mistaken its called Brown Acropora
  2. ty_05_f

    What do you do if your 55 gallon starts to leak from the bottom??

    I don't think the pc would melt the plastic but im not 100% positive on that. Its good that you care about your fish that much and that you will find a much better home than what you can provide for him. :happyfish
  3. ty_05_f


    Yes they can both go together but as I said in the other post I don't suggest you put the tang in that small of a tank.
  4. ty_05_f

    price check

    seems about right.
  5. ty_05_f

    not sure where to start with lighting needed for inverts

    A 50/50 bulb is have actinic and half white. If your not tight on money Mh would be a great option for that deep of a tank, plus you could keep alot more different types of corals.
  6. ty_05_f


    The disease and treatment forum could probably help you out with it.
  7. ty_05_f

    avatar picture

    I think 20 but im not sure.
  8. ty_05_f

    avatar picture

    You have to have so many posts before you can get one.
  9. ty_05_f

    yellow tang

    I personally wouldn't do it. How about you get a fish that will fit and get the tang later when you do have the 55.:joy:
  10. ty_05_f

    6 Pack

    Thats what happened to my yellows the peppermint got to them. Great pictures by the way.
  11. ty_05_f

    Tank vs. Peppermint Shrimp

    It is a possibility the sixline got to it however fairly uncommon. I highly doubt that hermits did it. Peppermint shrimp are mainly nocturnal and hide alot. At night check with a flashlight to see if it is still in there.
  12. ty_05_f

    What next?

    How about a harem of anthias? Maybe like three or so.
  13. ty_05_f


    A torch is a LPS coral with a hard skeletal base that it can retract into. An anemone doens't have that it is completly soft bodied and can move around.
  14. ty_05_f

    Shrimp left his shell on toad stool

    Thats is really cool Thanks for sharing!:happyfish
  15. ty_05_f

    Ty_05 here ya go

    OH, ok cool.
  16. ty_05_f

    My new Torch and a few other pictures.

    That is one great looking torch I havnt seen one that good in a while.
  17. ty_05_f

    Any idea what this is?

    I second that. :yes:
  18. ty_05_f

    Ty_05 here ya go

    Wow that is a change what was the time period between those shots?:joy:
  19. ty_05_f

    Colt OK???????

    It doesn't look too good, but im not sure, the only time I have seen my colt do that was when I was fragging it and attaching it to a new rock.
  20. ty_05_f

    Look Who's Using my Rose as a Host!

    That is soo cool!