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  1. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

  2. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    ok well just about 10 minutes ago i ran for first test after adding my cuc... nitrite=0 nitrate=0 ammonia=0 bad thing is that my ph level has yet again droped. its now at 7.8 i am planning on doing a water change this thursday coming up but im still kinda wrried if this wont fix the problem can...
  3. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    im here at work and for some reason the very limited internet access we have here isnt loading up the pics, im most def gonna check out your pics when i get home....
  4. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    wow dude thats crazy for awhile i was staying down in your neck of the woods i was right on the corner of 22nd ave and 18th... i was a block away from shanandoa middle school and shanadoa park idk if uve heard of that... right now im right off the palmetto ex on w 68th st/122nd ave
  5. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    SWEET!!!! yea we're in hialeah i blame ^^^^ this guy of this post for getting me into this hobby i work with tito and he brain washed me so i decided to give it a try....
  6. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    CUC is doing great, eating up everything thats growing on my rocks... i was dying to buy fish this weekend, but its crazy to see how the hermit and emerald crabs do work in the tank... im gonna try to put up some pics tonight when the wifey comes over and i can take a few new picks, rlablan u...
  7. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    ill try to post up some pics tomorrow afternoon of my new homies.... after 4 weeks it gets boring of stairing at rocks...!!!!!
  8. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    well i no its pretty damn late but heres a quick update.... i wasnt able o pick up ne fish to day at my lfs but did hop on a cuc... 5 turbo sails 5 blue leg hermit crabs 2 emerald crabs im panning on getting two nemos this weekend, aslong as my water doesnt go crazy on me, my lfs told me that ph...
  9. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    ok so i just tested my water, and everything came out perfect, my ph is a lil low 8.0 should i leave it like this or should i add marine buffer to balance out the ph..... nitrite=0 nitrate=0 ammonia=0 ive heard that fish waste on its own will bring up the ph level, reason im asking is because i...
  10. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    i am thinking of getting a lil bit more rocks just to fill in the hole in the middle so that i could have two small path ways instead of just one big one... if all goes as planned i will be getting my cuc and first fish this weekend... ill keep you guys posted..
  11. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    rlanblan thanks for the comment, that right there made my day , nothing against teds tank and others who have been posting up here.... being that i have such a small tank i just love too have these four fish and maybe a couple of inverts and soft coral.. btw i totally regret going so small now...
  12. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

  13. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    well ill keep you posted on my getting a mandarin, i really dont mind having to run to my pet shop once a week to buy pods but i could see how in the long run it could be a pain in the ass.. like mentioned earlier i will keep you posted thanks for looking in
  14. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    from what this site says, adult size for a green/spotted mandarin is about 4 inches.... im guessing in my 20g hes got more then enough room to free roam around the place, then again i dont have to much exp on this subject. whats the deal with your clown.... ive heard and read on this site that...
  15. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    i wanna thank all you guys for the great advice... i will be keeping you guys updated through out the weekend if i end up buying ne fish or not... please dont be shy ive seen post here on this site go forever ne one else with some words of advice/feed back opinions let me no...
  16. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    sweet... cant wait to get my cuc im tired of stairing at bugs on my glass and rocks lmao.... honestly i still think im gonna get fish this weekend aswell being that i got my water from a well established tank (over a year old) and just hope for the best ive heard great things about clowns on...
  17. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    well for the madarin that was the last fish i was going to put in ne ways for safety purposes, i guess the anemone is starting to look like a bad idea... i am trying to convice my pops for setting up a 65g+ in our house, hes just using me right now to see how it goes.. as far as cuc right now...
  18. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    thanks both of you guys for such a quick respones, regarding the madarin i have thousands of pods just hanging out in and around my rocks... reason being is, i took water from a friend that he was changing out water out of his 75g to rush the cycle period ive already made my first water change...
  19. jon_fiasco

    brand new 20g setup

    whats up everybody, ive had about 3 years of exp. with fresh water but never made an attempt to keeping up with a saltwater tank... im a lil bit wiser and got deeper pockets so here i am taking a stab at it... ive currently got a 20 gallon up and running with live sand and live rock already in...