Search results

  1. meadbhb

    Tell Me about Emerald Crabs

    Hiya, I've got two in my 37 with red hermits, turbo's, nassirua and a peppermint shrimp. No problems there. At one time I thought I had a mantis shrimp because my red's were disappearing but now I think the hermits were fighting each other for their shells. Didn't want the ones on the...
  2. meadbhb

    Six line Wrasse and stocking question

    Hiya, I've done some searches on the board for info on them, but am getting confused on this fish. Some say it's agressive, some not. I believe it would be a good fish for my tank, but I don't know if it should be the first, middle or last fist to add. I'm thinking along the lines of: 1 perc...
  3. meadbhb

    How many emrald crabs?

    Hiya, J. Do a search for bubble algea, there's lots of threads on it. Meadbhb
  4. meadbhb

    Explain where your user name originated

    Hiya, My screen name is my first name in the SCA Meadbhb, (Full name is L. Meadbhb ban-Sealgair) pronounced Meave. However, in gailic "V" is written as BHB. It's also the name of a Gailic queen that was an exceptional archer. ban-Sealgair is the female version of hunter (huntress). I took up...
  5. meadbhb

    6 line wrasse

    Hiya, Are the agressive fish? When should they be added? I have a healthy population of different colored flat worms and would love to get rid of them. Meadbhb
  6. meadbhb

    How many emrald crabs?

    I have a 37 gallon with two emeralds in there. I also had bubble algae...I was lucky and got two that like the stuff. I only have one bubble left after about 2 weeks. Meadbhb
  7. meadbhb

    Any one near north central Arkansas want to trade

    Hiya, I don't have anything to trade, unless you want a pet bird, but I might be interested in buying some stuff from you. I'll be up in that area in the next 30 days. Have a bird faire to go to. Benton, not Bentonville, Arkansas. Meadbhb.
  8. meadbhb

    Liquid Life

    Hiya, Spline9, thanks! Well, I guess I've found my food for my tank then. Meadbhb
  9. meadbhb

    Liquid Life

    Hiya, No...not even above. Unless there is some way to convert my bio wheel box into a fuge. As far as I can tell, DT isn't sold in this area. Since I've heard so many good things about the cyclo-pleeze I though this would be a good product. However, it's made with cyclo-pleeze, so I'm...
  10. meadbhb

    dying/missing scarlet hermits

    Hiya, If I can find calcuim just got to the level I can add corals. I might be interested in trading it for a frag. Not sure how much the pest is worth though. Meadbhb
  11. meadbhb

    Liquid Life

    Hiya, A fuge is out of the question right now. No room where we put the tank for it. Meadbhb
  12. meadbhb

    dying/missing scarlet hermits

    Hiya, Thanks you two! I'll have to see if anyone has red balloons or someting else I can use. I'm also goign to invest in a trap....I don't want to have the stupid thing crack my tank! Meadbhb
  13. meadbhb

    dying/missing scarlet hermits

    Hiya, Yeap, sounds like a shell hitting glass. I've managed to find both emeralds last night and four hermits, but that leaves six unaccounted for. Kinda funny that the peppermint shrimp has escaped a mantis shrimp all this time. do I make my flashlight red light? Is there something...
  14. meadbhb

    Liquid Life

    Hiya, Forgot to mention these products are either frozen liquids or in the fridge, so they should be live cultures. I do have sponges, coco worms, tube worms, carrabian 'rooms and feather dusters. All of this stuff came in on my live rock, I haven't bought any corals yet. I haven't added any...
  15. meadbhb

    Liquid Life

    Hiya, I was going to start feeding my tank due to the number of inverts I had/have in the tank, so I went to see what my local LFS offered. Does anyone use the liquid life line? They've got one for marine plankton which is MADE with Cyclop-eeze (is this the same stuff as Cyclop-eeze), Bio...
  16. meadbhb

    dying/missing scarlet hermits

    HIya, I have a funny feeling I have a preditor in my tank. I've been adding inverts and some of them are turning up missing in action. I'm wondering if I don't have a mantis shrimp in the tank. I've heard some clicking at night, but I can't find him. Here's what gone mission. 1 boxing crab 2...
  17. meadbhb

    Some Advice please!

    Hiya, This is the first time I have heard anything bad on scarlets. Wish I'd known that before I'd bought them. I specifically stayed away from the blue legs because of what I've read on the board. Do you think 10 scarlets are going to give me much grief in a 37 gallon? Meadbhb
  18. meadbhb

    Say good-bye flatworms

    Hiya, I've got little red spots on my base rock and was wondering if they were flat worms. However, I don't see them move. Looks a little clear for coraline growth. Do these guys move around a lot? Meadbhb
  19. meadbhb

    Carnation corals

    Hiya, My local LFS has some pink and orange carnation corals. Are they a hard coral to keep and what are their requirements? Meadbhb
  20. meadbhb

    my new fish ... what is it?

    Hiya, What about a canary wrasse? This is my first fish idea attempt, so don't flame me. Meadbhb