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  1. meadbhb

    boxing crab?

    Hiya, I just got one last night. He's got both his pom poms. I've got plenty of places to hide, so I'm hoping not to have any problems with him and my peppermint shrimp. Good to know I can keep more then one in the tank since I'm considering another one. That or an anenome crab. Meadbhb
  2. meadbhb

    Lights on.......Poll

    Hiya, Mine come on at 10:00 and go off at 10:00. Though, I'm thinking I may cut mine back a little. I"m getting a lot of algea growth. Meadbhb
  3. meadbhb

    Boxing Crab

    Hiya, I intend too. I just hope to see him every once in a while. Hey, how much should I pay for a anenome crab? My stores got them for $11. Meadbhb
  4. meadbhb

    Boxing Crab

    Hiya, Duke, picked up a boxer tonight. It's about the size of a penny, paid $8.99 for it. I'll probably never see it again considering it's size, but I hope so! Meadbhb
  5. meadbhb

    carbon and bio wheel in an eclipse

    Hiya, Tizzo, gotcha. Thought that since the bio wheel in a fresh water acts like a fuge that the same thing would happen in a salt water. Meadbhb
  6. meadbhb

    carbon and bio wheel in an eclipse

    Bump Meadbhb
  7. meadbhb

    just a litle help please...

    Hiya, The power head will give you more water flow, which will help keep the bad algea's away and stop stuff from piling up in corners. I have a 37 eclipse system set up as a reef. If you're going to use your 12 gallon as a reef, you may look into retrofitting your lighting system to allow for...
  8. meadbhb

    Clown Gobies

    Hiya, Duke, thats what I figured, but thought I'd check. Folks in the bird world are pretty outspoken about hybrids. Meadbhb
  9. meadbhb

    Anenomie crabs and boxing (pom pom crabs)

    Hiya, Thanks Viper! Meadbhb
  10. meadbhb

    Anenomie crabs and boxing (pom pom crabs)

    Hiya, Can these two species be housed in a 37 galloon tank together? I'm curious to know if the anenomie crab will be jealose of the boxing crab and try to take it's pom poms. Meadbhb
  11. meadbhb

    Bubble Algea

    Hiya, My LFS also recommended I take a toothbrush to the rock...when it was out of the tank. I'd much rather get rid of it right the first time and figure out why I have it in the first place. Meadbhb
  12. meadbhb

    carbon and bio wheel in an eclipse

    Hiya, Pete, I think I read that the carbon will take out the minerals from my water and that the bio wheel becomes a nitrate factory. I am having nice algea growth, which I'm afraid may be due to the bio wheel. I'd like to keep the minerals in the water to help my corals grow. Am I correct...
  13. meadbhb

    carbon and bio wheel in an eclipse

    Hiya, I've had the tank up and running for about 45 days now. Should I remove the carbon filter and bio wheel from my eclipse? If so, can I save these for future use, especially the carbon filter? If so, how do I store it? Meadbhb
  14. meadbhb

    Bubble Algea

    Hiya, I've noticed several spots of bubble algea in my tank. How do I prevent anymore from showing up? Also, I was told that though an emerald crab may eat this, they have to burst the bubble to eat it. Won't this spread the spores? Is tanking the rock out and scrubbing it the only way to...
  15. meadbhb

    Clown Gobies

    Hiya, Cool! I'll have to see what my LFS would charge for a black and a green. Ohhh, if by stupid chance they breed is it wrong to breed two different colors together? I know in birds you don't breed to different species together because of hybidization. Are they different species or are...
  16. meadbhb

    Boxing Crab

    Hiya, Duke...thanks again! My LFS had one a week or two ago. Maybe they still have one. Meadbhb
  17. meadbhb

    Clown Gobies

    Hiya, Duke, I don't have any fish in the tank right now. I'm trying to stay with fish about 2" in length so I can have a number of small fish in the tank. OOoh, you wouldn't happen to have a picture of a mature Black would you? Meadbhb
  18. meadbhb

    Clown Gobies

    Hiya, Thanks Bang. Do you know if the price of these guys varies with the color? Also can you keep more then one in a 37 galloon? Meadbhb
  19. meadbhb

    Clown Gobies

    Hiya, Are there different colors for these guys? I asked my LFS and they said they only get the dark brown ones. Meadbhb
  20. meadbhb

    Boxing Crab

    Hiya, I'm thinking of getting one for my tank. So, I'm interested in knowing if they need the special lighting for anenomies too. Meadbhb