Search results

  1. je go

    NE Ohio 20 gal for sale

    Hello We have a 20 gal fish tank w/ all the apparatus and 3 fish. The biggest one is a clown fish about 1" long and the other two are smaller. Honestly I don't know the type of fish they are. A friend sold it to us in Aug and we need to get rid of it. We're only asking what we paid for it of...
  2. je go

    NE Ohio 20 gal for sale

    Just checking to see if anyone wanted to buy this tank
  3. je go

    NE Ohio 20 gal for sale

    Hello We have a 20 gal fish tank w/ all the apparatus and 3 fish. The biggest one is a clown fish about 1" long and the other two are smaller. Honestly I don't know the type of fish they are. A friend sold it to us in Aug and we need to get rid of it. We're only asking what we paid for it of...
  4. je go

    NE Ohio 20 gal for sale

    Hello We have a 20 gal fish tank w/ all the apparatus and 3 fish. The biggest one is a clown fish about 1" long and the other two are smaller. Honestly I don't know the type of fish they are. A friend sold it to us in Aug and we need to get rid of it. We're only asking what we paid for it of...
  5. je go

    24 Hour Old Owner

    Hello jdragunas I sent you an email please email my friend as soon as you can b/c he needs to move out of his apartment soon. We're about 40 min south of you. you can make all arrangements with him
  6. je go

    24 Hour Old Owner

    NOTE To Jdragunas, I contacted my friend and left him a voicemail............are you still interested? If so please let me know how to get a hold of you. I tried the email but that option wasn't available.
  7. je go

    24 Hour Old Owner

    Thanks everyone!! I appreciate everyone's 2 cents; however, he already set it up like on Thurs evening. Personally, I'd prefer the 50, but its said and done. We'll have to keep this for awhile and hopes that we can keep things swimming well and then perhaps down the road trying something bigger.
  8. je go

    24 Hour Old Owner

    Oh wow, really? I just called my friend, got his voice mail and explained it to him. When he gets back to me. I'll let you know. But I don't know if he still has the 50-gallon tank or not. I'll let you know either way.
  9. je go

    24 Hour Old Owner

    Ok so do you know how long the ones I mentioned are supposed to live? Thanks the encouragement!!
  10. je go

    24 Hour Old Owner

    Hello!! All my life (now in late 30s) I've wanted a fish tank. Finally I've been able to. A friend of mine is moving out of country and practically gave me his 20 gal tank. Freshwater all aparatus and fish and EVERYTHING for a mere 50$. There's 4 fish. Yellow Hawaiin Tang , traditional...