je go
New Member
All my life (now in late 30s) I've wanted a fish tank. Finally I've been able to. A friend of mine is moving out of country and practically gave me his 20 gal tank. Freshwater all aparatus and fish and EVERYTHING for a mere 50$. There's 4 fish. Yellow Hawaiin Tang , traditional clown and I need to know the other 2 smaller ones.
How long are these fish suppose to last?? I wrote down step by step of how to clean the tank. I really wanted the 50 some gal but he said that being a novice I should start with the smaller one.
Does anyone want a 50 gal? We're in NE OHIO. It's salt water but he sold the fish back. I believe he has most of the stuff.
All my life (now in late 30s) I've wanted a fish tank. Finally I've been able to. A friend of mine is moving out of country and practically gave me his 20 gal tank. Freshwater all aparatus and fish and EVERYTHING for a mere 50$. There's 4 fish. Yellow Hawaiin Tang , traditional clown and I need to know the other 2 smaller ones.
How long are these fish suppose to last?? I wrote down step by step of how to clean the tank. I really wanted the 50 some gal but he said that being a novice I should start with the smaller one.
Does anyone want a 50 gal? We're in NE OHIO. It's salt water but he sold the fish back. I believe he has most of the stuff.