Yeah setting the tank up a different way would be pretty good. I'd think about that. Well at least I have a couple of years until I would have to decide.
Man That would be a pain. Having to dissasemble and reassemble. Wow thats alot of work. I have heard of people taking it with them to college but I don't know.
Thanks for you compliments they are really appreciated. I don't know what I'll do when I go to college in two years. I guess I will have to teach the parents how to take care of it.
yeah I know. The pics bleach the true color out and make it hard to see any coral;) . I am mad at my condy. it decided to move out of the hole a little bit and attached to the gsp rock. I didn't even want the cody except for my mother really liked it.
lol, eating seatbelts. Baily is a thief. She loves to get papertowles and tissues to shred. She will do it right when your head is turned too. You don't see her take it until she is already running. She's a character.
Thanks. I need to get some more corals I havnt added any in about two months. One thing i do regret is my rock setup. There isnt any place to put the corals that are on rocks.
The pictures of my coral beauty didnt come out. You can see my clown on the bubble coral and the damsel swimming around. The colt coral is the frag I did about a month earlier. The parent is in the back behind the bubble.