Another newbie, Sun polpy I think...Just trying to learn these guys.. I understand these have to be fed well.. He was placed in the tank last night, still waiting on him to open.
Another one. I need some info on this one, he was placed in the tank today. Also please give me any suggest on these corals, I am new at trying these babies.
I moved the coral to a more shaded area, I read that and completely forgot about it. Thanks for the info. Please anymore info or suggests will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again, Ron
the last pic is yellow sun polyps neighbored with shrooms? By the way, the sun polyps will sting the hell out of the shrooms. nice additions, win the lotto?
That 3rd pic looks to me like a colt. The green w/ yellow center are just called yellow polyops. Star polops are different. Yellow poloyps also do not need light. They pretty much are filter feeders and do like feeding. They are very hardy and will take over buy sending out runners.
Good luck