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  1. plum70rt

    your local coral pricing?

    Chef, Where is age of aquarium?
  2. plum70rt

    Post Maroon Pics

    about 3 inches, 5 months in the tank:)
  3. plum70rt

    Post Maroon Pics

  4. plum70rt

    your local coral pricing?

    Hey Chef, where did you get that from?
  5. plum70rt

    Pics Of Your Reef Tank

  6. plum70rt

    recommendations for feeding anthias

    What Goes in must come out:D
  7. plum70rt

    Velvet sea slug

    Just to add I learn everything I know about sea slugs at the Sea slug forum , Dr Bill Rudman is the Sea Slug Guru,:)
  8. plum70rt

    OT: A crime was committed tonight

  9. plum70rt

    sebae anemone?

    I see them offer them all the time, I have had this one for 6 months now, just as yellow as day one? Dyed? I did have 2 traded one,The one I have was from this site, Does anyone else have a Dyed yellow sabae?
  10. plum70rt

    sebae anemone?

    Really, how long will it last?
  11. plum70rt

    sebae anemone?

    My yellow sabae:)
  12. plum70rt

    Velvet sea slug

    There are too many names for these guys im cufused :confused: I saw Julian Sprung speak tonite At FMAS is Dania, about Nano Reefs very interesting, :)
  13. plum70rt

    sebae anemone?

    Purple tip sabae, feed them sliversides once a week, some say more ? whatever works for you, I use DTs also, all my anemones are in great shape:)
  14. plum70rt

    Velvet sea slug

    Head Sheilds are in the family of Cephalaspidea, not the same creature:)
  15. plum70rt

    OT: A crime was committed tonight

    Did someone steal that copy of the Complete Aquarium? What a shame :eek:
  16. plum70rt

    Velvet sea slug

    Jillian, the slug you seek is a Chelidonura Varians, feed on flatworms, you must have lots of them, when they are gone the slug will die, they are rarely offered for sale,come from Indo pacific, although I saw one for 25 bucks,:) IMO just admire them in pictures, not good for a reef tank;)
  17. plum70rt

    Velvet sea slug

    most sea slugs eat a combo of algae and sponges,trunicates, most die slow in a reef tank , because of lack of food , here this is a Chromodoris Magnifica, , Took me an hour to get him out of my sump, AGAIN,:( ,Pesky little slug, but for some reason does well, is all over the tank and has chewed...
  18. plum70rt

    recommendations for feeding anthias

    Mine are picky too, they love mysid shrimp, how many do you have ? I have 3 pink anthias:)
  19. plum70rt

    Cngats to Bang

    Well Deserved, Congrads and Good luck, Now that I know a little more about my tank, It must be fustrating for you guys to see the same questions come up all the time , having to be re answereded over and over, Hats off to all the Mods:)
  20. plum70rt

    Wanting to start corals...please help.

    :cool: cool, let me know when you get it started, mine now cycles 3 times a day:)